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Business Model Innovation on Manufacturing †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Business Model Innovation on Manufacturing. Answer: Introduction: Business model is an integral model which is used to analyze the economic and trading behavior. It can be referred to as a statement, a representation, a conceptual model or a description, a structural template or a conceptual tool. It is a concise and a clear way to show the operation of a business. The companies must try to support the customers and create a stronger value proposition in comparison with its competitors (Zott, Amit Massa 2011). The business model is also used to depict the various types of methods which are used by the companies for the generation of revenues. This can be carried out by selling different types of service contracts of various products, selling a particular product or charging different kind of subscription fees. Business model is very important for a startup company and it is the first and the foremost thing which needs to be developed even before the development of the product. This type of model helps in demonstrating the feasibility of the busine ss venture (Zott Amit, 2010). The companies may also sometimes adopt the business models which are used by other companies in different industry. The companies also change the business model as per their requirement to increase the generation of the revenue. Sometimes, it is see that some companies change their business model very frequently and this is due to the constant change in the actions of the competitors who are capturing the market with improved and better model. It can be said that a business model is a conceptual tool which contains various objects, relationships and concepts which are used in expressing the business logic of a business venture (Bocken et al., 2014). The development in information and communication technology has facilitated the expansion of the internet and thus there were new developmental processes. When referring to the notion of e-Business, there are certain models which are involved such as the brokerage model, merchant model, advertising model, subscription model, community model and many more. There are various types of generic e-business models such as e-procurement, e-shops and varied third party services (Kastalli Van Looy, 2013). Moreover, there are various components of e-business model such as logistic stream, value stream, revenue stream, profit stream and many more. The model of e-business is based on certain classes such as the participants, flows and relationships. The value map of the e-business model is used to depict the operation of a business venture. The activity in the business firm model is referred to as the engagement of physical, human and varied types of capital resources which are used in the busin ess model by the vendors, customers and the local firms for fulfilling the purpose of the business venture. The activity set can also be called as a set of activities which are related to each other and it concentrates on the focal firms (Miller, McAdam McAdam, 2014). The content of the activity system helps in the selection of varied kinds of activities and the structure shows how these activities are linked with each other. The system of governance of these activities refers to those individuals who perform them. Business model can also be referred to as a cost revenue architecture which is very much useful for the innovative and the technological scholars who are likely to explain the various mechanisms and which allows the firms for the commercialization of various kinds of technological innovations (Brock et al., 2014). Business model shows how a firm carries out various kinds of business activities and how it delivers its business to the stakeholders. The model also shows how to address the various kinds of issues and helps the managers in the creation of design. The adoption of the latest technological methods helps the organization in the transformation of various kinds of business activities. The various kinds of business activities help in the identification of the different kinds of users and the interaction pattern among themselves (Kaspina, Khapugina Zakirov, 2014). The business model helps the organization in the exploitation of different kinds of intangible assets such as protection and creation of intellectual properties, deployment and protection of all of them. The potential for different kinds of adaptability is used to shape different kinds of environment and this would help the company in the adoption of different kinds of dynamic activities. The business model as an academic activi ty will help to focus on the varied set of activities which is regarded as a natural perspective (Aversa et al ., 2015). The e-business activities helps to leverage the various kinds of customer based innovations and it also stresses the company which will help to combine the various kinds of complementary innovations in the suppliers, customers and the complementors. Moreover the e-business model is also not regarded as the value based proposition rather than a revenue model. The economy has also helped the firms to create potential experiments in the various forms of value creation and this has helped to create a source of network (Amit Jott, 2014). The business model in the e-business archetypes also helps to create an effective relationship with the customers and this will also help the firms to understand the demands of the customers and also help the competitors and the suppliers in the evolution of different kinds of industries. The activity system will also help the firm in the holistic and systematic thinking when it is used to design the business model. It does not concentrate on the choice of the individuals or any isolated choice of the individuals. The business model as a cost revenue architecture also helps in the assumption of various kinds of transaction cost. These also involve the challenges and issues of the firms and the exchange of various kinds of innovation (Pauwels et al., 2013). The business context helps in setting the scope for various kinds of requirements such as agreement and gathering of information. The requirements which are related to the design and gathering must be focused on satisfying the needs which are within the range of business context. The change in business is inevitable and is driven by various factors which are external to the organization (Desyllas Sako,2013). The demographic changes, market rivalry, disruptive technologies and various kinds of government regulation are considered very crucial and important. The change always does not help the organization to progress because some firms are very complex and it affects the structure and processes. These changes also affect the different layers of an enterprise. The emergence of big data technologies and approaches has changed the business pattern of Capegemini. This company can have different kinds of insights and they can use to develop the performance of the company. The big data has disrupted the market conditions and it has also threatened the competitors in the proposition of various kinds of traditional values of the individual. The rise of big data has helped the managers to get a clear perspective of the business objectives and also identify the skilled people. This identification of the skilled people will help in the creation of a proper team who can work for the development of the business. The big data technology will also help the managers in the adoption of different kinds of latest kinds of technologies in the business. The organizations can make proper use of the data for the decision making and this will also help to know the performance of the company in the coming years. These kinds of data activity will help the consumers in the retail sector also. These will also help to identify the people the correct skills of the people and this will help in the development of the business (Larsen et al., 2015). The transcript of the above Word document is mentioned below: Business model clearly shows the operation of business activities. I can say that it is such a model which can be used as a conceptual tool or description. The companies must try to support the customers and this will help in the creation of different types of values. According to me, business model is also used in the generation of different kinds of revenues. The companies must try to create their own business model in such a way that it will benefit the company and bring more profits to the business. I think that business model is very vital for a startup company and the companies must try to frame a proper business model before starting any projects. The business model will also help in the feasibility of different kinds of projects. Various developments in the information and communication process will help in the creation of e-business archetypes. The various kinds of model such as the subscription model, community model and intellectual model are included in the ideas of e-business models. The various streams of the e-business model are the value stream, logistic stream, profit stream and many more. According to me, I can say that for the proper and successful operation of e-business, value maps are used. Business model also helps in the generation of cost revenue and it is considered very vital and innovative for the scholars. I can also say that business model depicts how a firm will deliver its business to its stakeholders. It helps the managers to address the various kinds of issues which are going on within the company. Business model also helps the organization to exploit different kinds of intangible assets such as protection and creation of intellectual properties, deployment of various kinds of resources and many more. According to me, business model also helps to focus on different kinds of activities which will be considered as a natural perspective. The e-business model is regarded as a value based model which is based on various kinds of value based model. The business model in the e-business archetypes also helps to create an effective relationship with the customers and this will also help the firms to understand the demands of the customers and also help the competitors and the suppliers in the evolution of different kinds of industries. I think that the business context helps in setting the scope for various kinds of requirements such as agreement and gathering of information. The big data has disrupted the market conditions and it has also threatened the competitors in the proposition of various kinds of traditional values of the individual. The rise of big data has helped the managers to get a clear perspective of the business objectives and also identify the skilled people. Thus, I can conclude by saying that business model helps the organizations to make proper use of the data for the decision making and this also helps to know the performance of the company in the coming years. Reference List Amit, R., Zott, C. (2014). 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