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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Automated AntiTrojan 8211 A Necessity for Windows 9598 Users :: Essays Papers

Automated AntiTrojan 8211 A Necessity for Windows 9598 Users Software Security has been a top priority for all the Operating System programming companies. Although Windows 95/98 is the most widely used operating system all over the world it is certainly not the best when it comes to security. There are many flaws that have been discovered and exploited by ‘hackers’. These hackers take advantage of the loopholes in the system to break through the security and give them access to a lot of confidential data in users’ computers across the Internet. Microsoft the producer of Windows 95/98 has not taken enough security measures when they programmed the operating system. One of the most dangerous programs that are used to exploit the security holes in the Windows 95/98 systems are ‘Trojan Horses’ or ‘Trojans’. Well, they have nothing to do with horses, but technically, a trojan is a program which does something you don’t expect it to do or a program which run’s hidden and allows others to control your PC across the Internet/Network. Some people misunderstand a trojan to be a virus and they think that since they have a virus scanner protecting their computer, it will detect the trojan and remove it. But, most of the virus scanners are ineffective against many of the trojans because of their versatility. Most trojans come in two parts, the client and the server that the client connects to. The server, when run, will often bury itself into a startup section of the user’s computer so that it is loaded every time he starts the computer. The servers are small programs which when run, open a port on the user’s computer which makes the PC ‘hack-able’ and it waits for the hackers to connect to the computer. These programs servers are often invisible and they don’t even show in the Ctrl + Alt +Delete menu. The bit that the hackers are interested in, is the client (see Fig 1 – next page). This is the software that is run by the ha cker on his computer to connect to someone who’s already running the server. The client software is used to issue commands to the server (the victim’s computer). Hacker – Client – Internet – Server – Victim If you take away any of the above components then the trojan won’t work. The HACKER needs a CLIENT to use to connect to the server.

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