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Module 6: Question 1: Draw an outline of your associations space. Rundown the organization’s items and clients and the powers in t...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Creation Myth in Different Cultures

The Creation Myth in Different Cultures Myths can be discussed as the important elements of each culture because ancient people expressed their vision of the world and its laws in the form of mythological stories as the attempt to explain the unfamiliar objects and processes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Creation Myth in Different Cultures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, myths included the description of the processes which nature was rather difficult to be understood by the ancient people. That is why, a lot of myths which are presented in different cultures are based on the similar topics, but the details of the myth can be various. From this point, the theme of the world creation is one of the most popular topics of myths, and the creation myth is typical for different cultures. To understand the significance of the creation story for different cultures and explore the particular features of the myth, it is necessary to focus on the Mesopo tamian myth known as the Enuma Elish, on the Pelasgian myth characteristic for the Greek culture, and on the Egyptian myth about Atum. Although the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Greek cultures developed their own mythological stories based on the topic of the world creation, these myths have a lot of similarities which accentuate the common form of the creation myth and its significance for different cultures. The problem of the world’s beginnings is one of the most controversial points for the discussion today. Furthermore, it is the central idea of many ancient myths. According to Murtagh, â€Å"at the foundation of nearly every culture is a creation myth that explains how the wonders of the earth came to be† (Murtagh). The ancient people could not understand the world processes and explained them with the help of mythological imagery. Different cultures used their own approaches to explaining the birth of the Universe, but the basic aspects of the process are similar because they depend on the people’s beliefs, values, and expectations.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to people’s visions, the world can have its origin from the chaos or water, and the myths where the earth emerges out of water are known as diver myths (Murtagh). For instance, the story of creating the world out of water as a result of the struggle with the chaos is depicted in the Mesopotamian Enuma Elish. The role of the water and chaos is also significant for the Pelasgian creation myth. Furthermore, the watery chaos Nu is accentuated in the Egyptian creation myth as the roots of the Universe. The role of water in the creation stories can be explained with references to the role of water in the ancient people’s everyday life as it was in Egypt or in the Mesopotamian territories. Nevertheless, it is possible to determine various actors as the world creators in different cultures. It is stated in the Enuma Elish that the Universe was organized as a result of the struggle between the body of water Tiamat who lost her husband Apsu and the god Marduk (â€Å"The Babylonian Creation Story†). The bodies of water have definite gender features, and they are perceived as the god and the goddess. When Marduk killed Tiamat in the struggle for superiority, the heavens and the earth were made from her body. Thus, it is possible to speak about the origin of the Universe from the water body of Tiamat. In the Pelasgian creation myth, the main actors are Eurymone and Ophion, and the major symbol is the Cosmic Egg after breaking which the Universe was made (â€Å"Greek Creation Story†). The Egyptians focused on their sun-god Ra or Atum and his children as the gods creating the world (Hagin). In spite of the fact different gods and creators of the world depicted in various creation myths have different names and characteristics, there are a lot of similar features in their portraying. The Enuma Elish and the Pelasgian creation myth are similar in depicting female powers of Tiamat and Eurymone known as the Goddess of All Things.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Creation Myth in Different Cultures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to the Enuma Elish, the world was made out of Tiamat, and Eurymone who was born from the chaos divided the water and heavens to dance on the sea waves in the Pelasgian myth. In the Egyptian creation myth, the accents are made on the role of male gods, but the goddess Tefnut as the daughter of Atum plays the important role in creating the other gods. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that those myths the central idea of which is to present the story of the Universe creation include definite elements which are typical for all the myths on the topic. The creation myth should inc lude not only the mentioned images of the world’s creators and describe the process of creating the earth and sky but also present the processes of creating the other gods and the man. Moreover, the Universe can be created by the definite god who is alone as it is in the story about Atum, by the god with assistants or by the active and passive creators as it is in the myth about Eurynome, or as a result of the gods’ struggle as it is in the Enuma Elish. From this point, the processes of creating the earth and sky, the gods and the man can be discussed as the mythemes of creation stories. The water and the chaos are two important symbols which are used in all the studied myths as the source for the other parts of the Universe. However, the birth of the man is the next important mytheme. According to the Mesopotamian myth Enuma Elish, people are created from the blood of Kingu, the henchman of Tiamat. It is stated in the Pelasgian creation myth that the first man is made from the dust of Arcadia. The usage of dust or dirt as the source for creating the man is typical for many myths and religious traditions. Nevertheless, the Egyptians were inclined to think that the first man was made out of Atum’s tears of joy when the Universe was created.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, there are similar stories about the birth of new gods. According to the Enuma Elish, there were several gods, and they fought with each other before the Universe was created, but the emergence of gods in the Egyptian and Greek traditions is a result of the main gods’ unions. Thus, Shu and Tefnut became the parents of Geb and Nut who became the parents of the other gods in relation to the Egyptian myth. Moreover, Eurynome gave the birth to Eros, also known as Protagonus or ‘firstborn’, and then to the seven Powers which also became the gods (â€Å"Greek Creation Story†). Those myths which are based on the topic of the world creation have a lot of specific details characteristic for different cultures, but there are many similarities in the basic symbols of these myths. The specific details accentuate the uniqueness of the cultures and the particular features of the people’s interpretation of the world with references to the geographical and social characteristics. The similar aspects which are depicted in the myths with the help of certain symbols stress the importance of the topic for all the cultures and its universal character. Greek Creation Story. n.d. Web. Hagin, Stephen. Egyptian Creation Stories. n.d. Web. Murtagh, Lindsey. Common Elements in Creation Myths. n.d. Web. The Babylonian Creation Story (Enuma Elish). n.d. Web.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Professional MBA Essay Writing Service

Professional MBA Essay Writing Service Medical school essays arent the only admissions papers on which you can get help through a professional editor. From MBA essays to nursing essays, professional proofreaders help student hopefuls will all sorts of admissions essays. If you are someone who is interested in hiring a professional editor to help with your essay, I encourage you to read on! The best place to find professional editors, in my opinion, is the Internet. With just one quick search via an Internet search engine, youll be amazed at how many options there are. Finding the editor who is right for you will depend on your personal writing style and, of course, the type of composition with which you need assistance. Searching online for an editor is much easier than trying to do it by foot or by phone. Most professional editing websites, for instance, post their client approval ratings as well as feedback and sample texts. Additionally, such websites have a clear breakdown of the services offered as well as the affiliated costs. The process of writing an MBA essay can be made much easier with the help of a professional editor. For more information about graduate school entrance essays and/or if you would like assistance in finding an editor/proofreader to help, please dont hesitate to access the adjacent link. Good luck!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Foundations of Scholarship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Foundations of Scholarship - Assignment Example A corporation may have a low or high level of employee involvement in the daily processes that require decision making. Corporations that have a greater degree of employee participation in various functions allow their workers to be able to make decisions about different planning processes. Employees also feel that their opinions are treasured by the company executives, and feel that the company seriously considers their interests. On the other hand, a low level of employee involvement in functions such as decision making is indicative of the existence of a restricted planning process in which only the company’s executives are involved. Advantages of Including Workers in Corporate Decision Making There are many reasons why it is important for company heads to foster a corporate culture in which the opinions of workers are taken seriously (Williamson 2008). While this type of structure has not been popular in the past, it is more considerate of workers and makes them feel appre ciated by the corporations they work for. It also encourages loyalty from the workers. Additional reasons why encouraging employee participation in a corporation’s decision-making processes is important are: It improves the employees’ morale: Engaging the staff in the decision-making procedures increases the general morale. Many corporations have a distinctive separation of power between the employees and the management. The implementation of employee participation can successfully reduce this gap; thus encouraging more constructive communication between employees and their supervisors. Once employees are allowed to contribute during decision-making, workers will believe that their ideas are a significant contribution to the company they work for. This empowers them to have the confidence to influence the result of their efforts; thus bringing about increased job satisfaction (Singh 2009). Involving employees in making decisions is also likely to make them more product ive. This is because the employees will feel that they have a personal stake in running of the corporation, and thus wish to see their personal contributions bring about the successful realisation of the company’s objectives. The increase in trust that is demonstrated by a corporation’s executives can also inspire employees to expand or advance their skills in order to prove that they are deserving of that trust. Such efforts mean that there will be more effort in production processes which results in more profitability (Scott- Ladd, Travaglione, and Marshall 2006). Improvement in Teamwork- When workers are allowed to contribute towards decision-making, they have the opportunity to state their views while also listening to those of their colleagues. In this way, the workers gain knowledge from each other and thus develop a sense of comradeship that positively affects any joint exercises that may be conducted. Saving Internal Resources- When employees are used in the pr ocess of decision making, the company in question has the chance to save on time as well as money that might have been used to hire specialists or consultants. The company will also benefit because it saves money by taking the advice of people who work closely with the machinery and so are in a better position to understand what may be needed. The Practice of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

MANAGING INTERNATIONAL TRADE Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MANAGING INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Coursework Example History has shown that developing nations have substantially progressed with the essence of open market operations in international trade. It is not possible for a firm to gain competitive advantage and lead the market competition without the help of internationalization of business. However, it should be analyzed that without the help of strategic planning in business, it is not possible for firms to expand in the competitive international markets. Effective strategies, framed through strategic management principles, help a firm to progress in the long run. This project would consider ways in which the Indian (developing country) consumer goods firm of Godrej Consumer Products Limited (GCPL) would export or initiate its trade in the competitive market of Paris in France (European country) (Godrej, 2013). Research on the Assignment Topic The economy of France, unlike India, is highly developed. Almost all the business segments of the country have progressed (David, 1986). The majorit y of the business segments of the country are privatized, which reasons out the strong competition in the market of France between the companies. The per capita income level of the country has increased from $35900 to $36100 from 2010 to 2012 (CIA, 2013). The high and increasing level of per person income is responsible for the high standard of living in the country. The aggregate demand created by the domestic individuals in the nation, regarding consumer goods services, is high in France. This is because consumer care products are sort of comfort or luxury goods that have a positive income effect. With the rising income of the consumers, the demand for such goods would also increase. High demand in the market has increased the degree of competition of FMCG companies in France. The consumer goods firms already exhibit monopolistic competition with each other in the country. Thus, when the Indian company would formulate its export strategies, it has to clearly understand the busines s market of France. The Indian company should realize that the population of France is 61 million as recorded in 2012 (CIA, 2013). Thus, if it becomes successful in exporting its products in the affluent market of France, then it would enjoy a wide base of customers. Rather, the trade barriers in France are also few as the company’s public authorities impose less restrictions on trade. The government of the country always encourages higher degree of privatization and international trade to augment its level of social welfare. Approximately $577.7 billion worth of goods and services are imported in France (CIA, 2013). This proves that the government of the country is very lenient towards foreign investments. The country has a high international reputation. However, Godrej must realize that the first language of the country is French, so it must have trading employees who are well-versed in French. The rate of taxation imposed by the French government is approximately close to 20% (CIA, 2013). Thus, on the whole, it can be concluded that the French market is a highly competitive, rich and liberal market. The strategic decision adopted by the company, for exports in France, must consider the market conditions of the same explained above. Background Among all the sectors in an economy, the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) sector is one

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Cache Positive Environment Essay Example for Free

Cache Positive Environment Essay AC1.1: A description of what is meant by a positive environment In both a setting and home a positive learning environment is crucial for children. There are a number of things that contribute to a positive environment. A setting or class should be engaging and dynamic place for the children attending. Creating order and removing clutter helps children to feel there in orderliness in the environment in order from them to learn, having a disorganized environment can be a distraction. Children should be provided with a clean, safe, and organized setting. Stimulating posters, pictures along with work the children have made should be put up around the setting, not only can this be engaging for the children but shows the children’s work is valued. Poster and displays should be regularly changed and updated related to the theme or topic being taught as this gives variety. The settings lay out and arrangement contributes to having a positive environment and ensuring the setting is bright and well equipped regarding toys, furniture ect. Laying down the ground rules, making the children familiar with them and are aware of the consequences if they are not followed. Children need boundaries and need to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Post the ground rules in the setting and always lean towards positive, rather than negative, re-enforcement of them. Give out stickers and small prizes as rewards for achievement. Be generous with praise and use positive statements to reinforce positive behaviour. Practitioners should be welcoming, happy and friendly to both children and parents. AC1.2: An identification of regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment for children and young people In September 2008 the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) came into force placing, for the first time, a legal requirement on all early years’ providers to comply with the Government’s learning, development and welfare requirements for 0-5 year-olds. The over-arching aim of the EYFS is to help children achieve the ‘Every Child Matters’ outcomes. These aims, for children and young people aged 0-19, are to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. EYFS states that the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending childrens development and learning. It also says to observe the child finding out what they can do and their interests. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. The EYFS also states that being outdoors has a positive impact on childrens sense of well-being and helps all aspects of childrens development. The Childcare Act 2006, Health safety at work act 1974, Care Standards Act 2006 and Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (where applicable) all have a helping in the regulatory requirements that underpin a positive environment.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Automated AntiTrojan 8211 A Necessity for Windows 9598 Users :: Essays Papers

Automated AntiTrojan 8211 A Necessity for Windows 9598 Users Software Security has been a top priority for all the Operating System programming companies. Although Windows 95/98 is the most widely used operating system all over the world it is certainly not the best when it comes to security. There are many flaws that have been discovered and exploited by ‘hackers’. These hackers take advantage of the loopholes in the system to break through the security and give them access to a lot of confidential data in users’ computers across the Internet. Microsoft the producer of Windows 95/98 has not taken enough security measures when they programmed the operating system. One of the most dangerous programs that are used to exploit the security holes in the Windows 95/98 systems are ‘Trojan Horses’ or ‘Trojans’. Well, they have nothing to do with horses, but technically, a trojan is a program which does something you don’t expect it to do or a program which run’s hidden and allows others to control your PC across the Internet/Network. Some people misunderstand a trojan to be a virus and they think that since they have a virus scanner protecting their computer, it will detect the trojan and remove it. But, most of the virus scanners are ineffective against many of the trojans because of their versatility. Most trojans come in two parts, the client and the server that the client connects to. The server, when run, will often bury itself into a startup section of the user’s computer so that it is loaded every time he starts the computer. The servers are small programs which when run, open a port on the user’s computer which makes the PC ‘hack-able’ and it waits for the hackers to connect to the computer. These programs servers are often invisible and they don’t even show in the Ctrl + Alt +Delete menu. The bit that the hackers are interested in, is the client (see Fig 1 – next page). This is the software that is run by the ha cker on his computer to connect to someone who’s already running the server. The client software is used to issue commands to the server (the victim’s computer). Hacker – Client – Internet – Server – Victim If you take away any of the above components then the trojan won’t work. The HACKER needs a CLIENT to use to connect to the server.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Platinum Rule Assessment

Behavior happens to be a very vital component in an individual’s life in as far as good image of one’s personality is concerned. Though it does not necessary portray the real picture of one; as it is dynamic. Different individuals behave differently in different situations. This by and large depends with the set rules and expectations of any particular setting. According to the Disc Platinum Rule Behavioral Assessment there are four basic styles of behaviors; Dominance style, Interactive style, Steadiness style and Cautious style. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 28)The biggest challenge is how one can cope with all these different styles with little or no difficulty. Everyone is expected to at least formulate his/ her own mechanism that puts him/her in a better position to comfortably accommodate and bring negotiations with all the behavioral style. This ability to amicably relate with people with different personality according to DPRA has been compared to Intelligence Quotient since it positions people to stand high chance of interacting smoothly and as a consequence they add up a taste in their lives. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 6)The social scientists have renamed this ability as social Intelligence from adaptability since everyone strives to meet his /her different needs through interaction. They have argued out that social Intelligence has gained a great deal of importance to an extent that it is at times considered more essential than the natural Intelligence Quotient. This is because social intelligent people have that tendency to draw a line between their personality and their behaviors with reference to their actions after being triggered by different situations. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 6)In a group of individuals these different behavior styles are portrayed. Like for instance in this youth group that was formed to minimize abject poverty among the youth, most of the members had Dominance and Steadiness styles of behavior. The ones with the Dominance beh avioral style had uncontrollable zeal to be the key office bearers and by chance almost all of them were the ones who occupied the key positions within the group and beside that they were the ones who speeded up the decision making processes following their desires to achieve great things within short periods.On the other hand, those with Steadiness style of behavior were so fond of working with several rest periods incorporated in between, enjoyed delegating and making follow ups on group’s activities. Much of the long term planning was being handled by them. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 5) The ones with the dominance behavioral style were risk takers and they took great pleasure to experiment new things and being the ones in charge of every group’s activity.They seemed to be fascinated by the fact that they were hard working especially after realizing that they were being driven by their strong desire to achieve greater things without impediments on the way. The ones with t he Steadiness style of behavior were quite proactive and they enjoyed working in communal with full anticipation that the entire group will benefit from their efforts. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 6) The dominance behavioral stylists were very impatient when things went at a slow pace. They were naturally fast-paced and enjoyed doing things in great speed.Their counterparts, the Steadiness stylists, took things slowly and with great care. The dominance behavioral stylists were product-oriented and innovators. They loved seeing their efforts give rise to fruits as quick as they exerted and without taking precautions, they enjoyed trying new ideas. The Steadiness behavioral stylists on the other hand, were slow but sure. They were not that much concerned about the quick feedbacks in terms of result since they were quite patient and usually took the back seat and gave a keen look as things rolled out. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 31)The dominance behavioral stylists were quite self-centered in that they concentrated all their efforts on a particular activity with the ultimate intension of satisfying their ego. The Steadiness behavioral stylists worked extra hard and found great pleasure in things that worked best for the good of all. The dominance behavioral stylists had a â€Å"don’t care† attitude. They did things deliberately and with less concern about other people’s feelings. They were willing to provoke and make others mad with the mentality that their offended will without hesitation find it easy to forgive them.They believed in apologizing rather than seeking for permission to do things. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 14) The dominance behavioral stylists believed in being good at multitasking thus they went for several activities with a greedy anticipation that they would all be achieved within a stipulated duration. The Steadiness behavioral stylists enjoyed doing their things one after the other at ago. They seemed not to worry so much about time so long as what they intended to do came to be realized or implemented finally. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 15)The dominance behavior stylists were quite bold and took up new challenges with full authority and tackled problems as they emerged. The Steadiness stylists were a bit reluctant when faced by challenges following their strong belief in team work. For matters to be solved in short time, the entire group had to be assigned the duty to deliberate over it and come up with a tangible solution. The dominance behavioral stylists were never contented by the status quo opportunities. They liked dramatic changes and new exposures. Thus they were adventurous.The Steadiness behavioral stylists on the other hand had no problem with the status quo though at times they raised their eye brows when they felt the status quo tended to be an impediment for the group’s growth and development. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 14) The dominance behavior stylists and the Steadiness behavior stylists were both goal oriented. They were both driven by the innate force to have things done with an overall intension of improving the situation of the group. Both the dominance behavioral stylists and the steadiness behavioral stylists took up responsibilities differently.Thus the combination of their efforts and fortitude made the group achieve greater and greater set goals since everyone’s contributions counted. The tasks handled by both stylists formed a strong basis upon which goals and aspirations concerning the growth of the group were realized. . (Alessandra, 2008, p. 5) Both the dominance behavioral stylists and the steadiness behavioral stylists were quite optimistic in that they constantly indulged themselves in activities with a broader picture of bringing considerable benefit for the group.Both the dominance behavioral stylists and the steadiness behavioral stylists were receptive to challenges and acted upon them differently. They were positive on taking up challenges thus they we re not easily brought down or distorted from what they were doing for the group. Both the dominance behavioral stylists and the steadiness behavioral stylists took up active roles in conducting the group’s activities. Every one had certain expectations when it came about performing their duties for the group and with that the work load was shared equally among the members.Both the dominance behavioral stylists and the steadiness stylists planned before they took action though the time frames differed. . (Alessandra, 2008, p. 14) The benefit of having these two behavioral styles being predominant in the youth group was that most of the members were exposed to learn the skills of coping well with the different personalities. This was especially during the conduct of tasks where after being assigned different duties different members were expected to deliver their best for the betterment of the good.Therefore, through cooperation among and within the members all came to be reali zed. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 34) Having the two behavioral styles in the group enabled every member to have an inner cognition and appreciation of the nature and ability in terms of performance that different individuals had without underrating and despising one another. The group members came into terms with the fact that constant earlier experienced group’s dynamics were problematic and mostly were the cause of underperformance that the group experienced.The problem was discovered to be promoted by the misinterpretation that initially most of the members had over others, and thus the idea of keenly understanding one another much deeper helped a lot to minimize the wrangles. (Alessandra, 2008, p. 6) The skills of multitasking by the dominance behavioral stylists was disseminated to the Steadiness behavioral stylists and others thus the group faced little difficulties in terms of implementing activities that require bigger man power. The members could take up tasks that initial ly they thought were meant to be for the best of the best individuals.Leadership positions kept on rotating from one individual to another since everyone was deemed a potential leader. With this the group kept on doing quite well as new and new ideas on how to better the group were brought forward by the different leaders. Encouragement and motivational comments were also given out to every member so as to boost their self esteem. The fact that these two behavioral styles happened to be predominant in the group gave a room for social learning where at least every was made to discover his/ her strength and weaknesses in as far as good behavior is concerned.(Alessandra, 2008, p. 6) CONCLUSION The Disc Platinum Rule of Behavioral Style is a form of gauging tool that tries to give a clear picture of the personality composition that different individuals have. The major behavioral styles that have been highlightened above show the differences associated with different personalities. Ever y individual is therefore expected to force him/her self to accommodate and relate comfortably with people who happen to have different behavioral style.The best way recommended by DPRA for proper interaction is for individuals to treat others fairly well the same way they expect others to treat them. With this tension will be minimized and as a result unity and harmony will prevail among a group of people, besides the rapport among them being strong. The different behavioral styles to some extent form a strong basis upon which individuals can be categorized with reference to their temperaments. The behavioral styles make a clear resemblance of the different temperaments though in an indirect version.The behavioral styles by and large march with the four major temperaments. Thus it is worth noting that there is a strong connection between an individual’s behavior and his/her temperament despite the slight differences that might be noticed. REFERENCE Alessandra, T. , (2008) Pl atinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment. Custom edition from The University of Phoenix. Available at http://UOP. BlanchardAssessments. com Accessed on July 17, 2008. Alessandra, T. & O’Connor, M, J. (1996) The Platinum Rule: Discover the Four BasicBusiness Personalities. -And How They Can Lead You to Success. Available at www. amazon. com/ The Platinum Rule: Discover the Four Basic Business Personalities. Accessed on July 17, 2008. Alessandra, T. , O’Connor, M, J. & Dyke, J, V. People Smarts – Bending the Golden Rule to Give Others What They Want. Available at www. amazon. com/People-Smarts-Bending-Golden-Others. . Accessed on July 17, 2008. Bonnstetter, J. & Suiter, R. (2001). The Universal Language DISC, Skills Training Manual for Treating behaviour.. Available at www. dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/health/psychology_personality. htm . Accessed on July 17, 2008. Ritchey, T. & Koehler, B. (1998) I’m Stuck, You’re Stuck. The Power of 360 Feedback. Gu lf Publishers. Straw, J. & Koehler, B, (2002) The 4-Dimensional Manager. Disc strategies for managing Different people in the best ways. Available at www. amazon. com/Dimensional-Manager-Strategies-Managing-Different. Accessed on July 17, 2008 Hersey, P. , Blanchard, K, H,(1993),Management of Organizational Behavior, A guide to utilizing human resource. Prentice Hall.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Organizational Behavior and Leadership Essay

Effective Communication: Partnership in Italy. The given case is about effective communication. In the case, Melissa Chang who is handling all sorts of sourcing activities at the company, she is asked to travel to Venice, Italy to meet her company’s partnering company. She is asked to travel for solving the issues that has made a bad impression of her company towards the partnering company. As before also Melissa’s colleagues cancelled their trip to Moscow at the last minute which hampered their relationship with other partners and their company’s performance looked bad. So it is a very important meeting for Melissa as their partnering company in Italy had several times requested for the information to be provided to them but it was not done. So Melissa had to travel to Italy to understand what are the causes that is affecting the company’s relations with their partnering company. Review/Analysis of the Case Analysis of Findings The case is related to Melissa Chang who is travelling to Italy to meet the partnering company to solve the misunderstanding between her company and partnering company. The discussions and questions are being done while meeting with the partnering company in Italy. But with the effective communication, Melissa is able to answer all questions consciously listening to the issues/ queries from the partnering company. Hence Melissa is successful in making the meeting very productive and planning for future plans with the partnering company. Melissa’s communication skills and convincing them with providing the actual information accurately made the partnering company rethink and reassure to continue work for further more. For example, Surya Nepal Pvt. Ltd. is the major leading company in Nepal which produces several products. Surya Nepal’s partnering company is ITC India which is among the top companies in India. ITC has been working with Surya Nepal for more than 2 decades and their relation had been very good. Last year, Surya Nepal took the contract of producing 20000 pcs of Tshirts within 60 days. Surya Nepal completed the production in about 70 days. So they were 10 days late. Surya Nepal did not provide full information to ITC why the production was late. And when ITC called up for a meeting, Surya Nepal provided ITC with full information about the issues that arise while performing the tasks. Surya Nepal answered to all the questions asked by ITC. After that only ITC was convinced with Surya Nepal. Question 1: Melissa’s communication style Melissa travelled to Italy to meet her company’s partnering company to settle down several issues that has arise and caused a bad impression of her company. Melissa needed to do her job with full responsibility and get more work out of Italian partners. If things did not get cleared up quickly, they could lose the partnership. Melissa rather solving the issues through phone calls, mailings and sending other personnel to meet Italian partners, she herself went to attend the meeting. Since Melissa’s colleagues in the past had cancelled their meeting to Moscow at the last minute which hampered their company. So she was looking forward for the meeting. When she reached to Italy, she was nervous that the language barrier would make the problems more complicated. But her choice of communication to interact with Italian partners proved to be the right choice to solve the issues. She used the direct communication i.e. face to face interaction which made her realize Italian part ner’s frustration. This communication was an effective move to help Melissa interact well with the Italian partners and know more about them and their products as well as the problems. In the first day of the meeting, she found the internal issues such as not providing of information from US partners. And Melissa answered all their questions and explained the business process in US. She listened to the issues of the Italian partners and understand the feelings of their accurately. And at the second day, her communication skill was so effective that the behavior of Italian partners changed and they were much warmer and willing to sit down and discuss  details of work. So her response to the feelings of the Italian partners helped her analyze the situation properly. Melissa’s also noted down Italian partner’s cues or issues and answering correctly to the partner’s efficiently. Mainly the active listening of Melissa helped her answer thoroughly. Melissa established rapport towards the partners which effectively communicate to help them feel comfortable. So Melissa’s communication style impacted the performance of the Italian partners which we can see in the case that Italian partners projected plan for the next fiscal year and also a formal dinner in her honor was arranged. Italian partners also praise Melissa for her quick actions and decisiveness. Question 2: Primary source of information to Melissa’s visit The primary sources of information prior to Melissa’s visit to Italy was the establishment of effective communication in between the Italian partners and her company in order to solve the issues. Italian partners requested several times for information to Melissa’s colleagues but it was not fulfilled. So to tackle the communication barriers in between the two partnering companies is the primary source to Melissa’s visit to Italy. The act of removing the distance relationships of two companies is the main visit of Melissa. To find out what were the major concerns of Italian partners towards the US based company and knowing of their views, ideas of continuing the business or not was a real challenge which forced Melissa to visit Italy and meet Italian partners. Question 3: Primary source of information after Melissa’s visit Melissa attended the important meeting with Italian partners to analyze the situation very tactfully and skillfully by applying appropriate communication with them. After her visit to Italy, at the US, she will be holding a meeting for all the office staffs and personnel where she will be discussing about the causes, effects and productive views in between the two companies. First of all she will be discussing why all office staffs and personnel did not provide Italian partners with prior information regarding the product and its development as Italian partners were keen on knowing the development of the products. Secondly, the view of company adding that language barrier affecting their relations is unbelievable since Melissa  went to Italy, interacted well with the partners and shared each other thoughts which brought two of them into a productive planning for further fiscal year. Most importantly, Melissa will be saying that she was successful in building effective communication by providing exact information and listening to their views and answering them with very accurately are the primary sources of information that will be after Melissa’s visit. Question 4: Melissa’s change in attitude in dealing with Italian partners Before Melissa’s visit to Italy, she was nervous that she would not be able to face the Italian partners. Since the meeting was going to be at Venice, Italy, without major business standards of her company she was afraid of attending meeting. Also the thought of language barrier was taken as a major issue for not attending the meeting. But this all was just views, opinions of others. When Melissa visited Italian partners then she instantly noticed their feelings while attempting to face to face interaction. She came to know what difficulties Italian partners were having by not receiving the actual information. She changed her view of Italian partners as how Italian partners would be reacting. She answered all the queries asked by Italian partners with actual detailed information. This changed the behavior of Italian partners thought of US based company. Italian partners were very much impressed by Melissa’s style of communicating. This helped both to sit down and settle down the problems with building of effective communication. The meeting got very productive as further fiscal planning was planned. When this was done, Italian partners arranged a dinner in Melissa’s honor to praise her for the quick actions and decisiveness she demonstrated during the meeting, also her listening skills to relate their business needs was excellent. So this made Melissa to think that she did right thing of planning to visit Italian partners by her own and come with some productive news. So this changed Melissa’s change in attitude about dealing with the Italian partners. Summary and Conclusion After analyzing the case, it seems that Melissa Chang was successful in utilizing the right communication style. The choice of transactional model of communication by Melissa, that includes the direct interaction with the  Italian partners helped her understand the real problem issues and bring out the best possible ways to solve that issues. Face to face communication helped Melissa to understand the feelings of the Italian partners. The process of noting down their cues by Melissa and responding to their cues helped to change the behavior of the Italian partners. So Melissa was successful in making the meeting productive, solving the issues and making relationship greater. Melissa was praised by the Italian partners and arranged a formal dinner in her honor. So this proves that her performance and effective communication impacted the Italian partners so much that a projected planning for the next fiscal year was also planned at the same meeting. Reference Adhikari, Dev Raj (2009) Organizational Behavior Hersey and Blanchard (2008) Management of Organizational Behavior

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Supply and Demand Simulation Paper

Supply and Demand Simulation Paper Free Online Research Papers The cause of aggregate supply and aggregate demand in the simulation could be conclusive due to the volume of apartment rental services available in Atlantis economy at a given overall price level. The rising prices of apartments in comparison due to a monopolized market in Atlantis suggests for Goodlife Management to expand their services to meet a higher level of aggregate demand. They are the only management company in Atlantis that are renting apartment, except for Oakridge Builders who were rent detached homes, and most of the residents in Atlantis probably could not afford to rent homes. An increase in demand of affordable apartments should lead to an expansion of aggregate supply in the economy. However, aggregate supply could also be determined by the supply performance available based on the current economy, therefore, reflecting the productivity of the economy and the cost of frequent available apartments. Due to the overall increase of apartments, and eventually condominiums services provided by Goodlife Management in a span of nine years, helped shift the aggregate demands. Oakridge Builders started making their properties slightly affordable, which sparked a competition in the housing market, and shifted the demands slightly over to detached homes and decreased the rental properties of Goodlife Managements. This aggregated shift during the rental period forced Goodlife Management in turning some of their two bedroom apartments into condominiums to compete in the market. The competitive market of supply and demand forced Goodlife Management in their decision-making to adjust to the rising market by lowering some of their apartments to bring in more tenants. Goodlife Management had to adjust because they had a surplus of available apartments that were not occupied, and their rent was high, which affected the demands of apartments being rented due to their rising prices. The four key points that the reading and simulation highlighted were aggregate supply, aggregate demand, supply curve, and equilibrium. The fisrt two has already been explained in paragraphs one and two. The last two are supply curve and equilibrium, which will be explained accordingly. According to Investopedia, a Forbes Media Company, supply curve is basically a graph showing the hypothetical supply of a product or service that would be available at different price points (Investopedia, 2008, p.1), which can cause an upward slope, since higher prices gives businesses an incentive to supply more in the hope of making greater revenues (Investopedia, 2008, p.3). Equilibrium or economic equilibrium according Jess Benhabib of the Princeton University Press, is simply a state of the world where economic forces are balanced and in the absence of outside influences the values of economic variables will not fluctuate (2007, p.488). The impact of aggregate supply and demand changes can influences an automotive industry severely. The balance in the automotive market can maintain at the same level as long as outside influences such as gas prices and consumer spending are eliminated in the automotive market equation. However, if these forces are implemented in the economical equation, then the market prices will rise due to consumer spending because it reflects a growing economy, or the market prices will fall due to increase of gas prices. An example is the severe price drops in Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) within the last eight years. In the nineties, the demand for (SUVs) were high, which caused the prices of (SUVs) to be in the $40,000 range, now (SUVs) are in $20,000 to $30,000 range, which is about a $10,000 difference a decade ago. The outside influence of gas, emissions, and global warming forced automobile manufacturers to start building mid-size and emission efficient (SUVs) and made it affordable to the public. Cost of SUV Illustration: | | * | |$40k * | * | | * $30k * | * | $20k * | | * | $10k | | | |$0k_____________________________________________ 0Yrs 90 95 00 05 10 In summary, according to the simulation process, the demand curve is sloping downward, which causes the quantity demand to increase as the price decreases. The suggestion was for Goodlife Management to reduce its rental rates, in turn increasing its demands for apartment rentals. In retrospect, the supply curve is upward sloping, and quantity supplied increases as the price decreases. An increase in rental rates would cause Goodlife Management to lease out more apartments. Quantity demands balances out quantity supplies only at the equilibrium point. However, when prices are below equilibrium, the quantity demands exceeds the quantity supplies, which in turn causes a shortage in the housing market. In opposition, when prices are above equilibrium, quantity supplies surpass the quantity demands, which cause a surplus in the market. Adjustments in the market will only level off when equilibrium is properly attained. References Benhabib, J. (2007). Princeton University Press: Cyles and chaos in economic equilibrium. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from http://press.princeton.edu/titles/4958.html. Investopedia. (2008). Investopedia: Economics basics of supply and demand. Retrieved February 3, 2008, from investopedia.com/university/economics/economics3.asp Research Papers on Supply and Demand Simulation PaperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfDefinition of Export QuotasPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAWMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Project Managment Office System

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Information and Facts About Elephant Babies

Information and Facts About Elephant Babies Elephants are interesting animals. Their size is awesome, and their strength is incredible. They are intelligent and affectionate beings. Amazingly, even with their large size, they can walk silently. You might not even notice them passing by! Fast Facts: Baby Elephants Gestation period: 18 - 22 monthsBirth weight: about 250 poundsHeight: about 3 feet tallAbout 99% of calves are born at nightCalves are born with curly black or red hair on their foreheadsCalves drink about 3 gallons of milk a day Facts About Baby Elephants A baby elephant is called a calf. It weighs about 250 pounds at birth and stands about three feet tall. Calves cant see very well at first, but they can recognize their mothers by touch, scent, and sound. Baby elephants stay very close to their mothers for the first couple of months. The calves drink their mothers milk for about two years, sometimes longer. They drink up to 3 gallons of milk a day!  At about four months old, they also begin eating some plants, like adult elephants, but they continue to need as much milk from their mother. They keep drinking milk for up to ten years! At first, baby elephants dont really know what to do with their trunks. They swing them to and fro and sometimes even step on them. They will suck their trunk just as a human baby might suck its thumb. By about 6 to 8 months, calves begin learning to use their trunks to eat and drink. By the time they are a year old, they can control their trunks pretty well and, like adult elephants,  use their trunks for grasping,  eating, drinking, bathing. Female elephants stay with the herd for life, while males leave to begin a solitary life  at about 12 to 14 years of age. Elephant Babies Coloring Page (Print the PDF): Color this picture while you review the facts youve learned.   Species of Elephants For many years scientists thought that there were two different species of elephants:  Asian elephants and African elephants. However, in 2000, they began classifying African elephants into two distinct species, the African savanna  elephant and the African forest elephant. Elephant Vocabulary Worksheet (Print the PDF): Discover more about elephants by  with this vocabulary worksheet. Look up each word in a dictionary or online. Then, write the correct word on the blank line beside each definition. Elephant Word Search (Print the PDF): See how well you remember what you learned about elephants. Circle each word as you find it hidden among the letters in the word search. Refer to the worksheet for any terms whose meaning you dont remember.   African savanna  elephants live in the area of Africa below the Sahara desert. African forest elephants live in the rain forests of Central and West Africa.  The elephants that live in the African forest have smaller bodies and tusks than those that live on the savannas. Asian elephants live in the scrub and rain forests of Southwest Asia, India, and Nepal. Elephant Habitat Coloring Page (Print the PDF):  Review what youve learned about elephant Habitats. Distinguishing Between Asian and African Elephants There are many similarities between Asian and African elephants, but there are simple ways to distinguish one from the other. African elephants have much larger ears that seem to be shaped like the continent of Africa. They need large ears to cool off their bodies on the hot continent of Africa. Asian elephants ears are smaller and more rounded. African Elephant Coloring Page (Print the PDF) There is also a distinct difference in the shape of Asian and African elephants heads. Asian elephants heads are smaller than an African elephants head and have a double-dome shape. Both male and female African elephants can grow tusks, though not all do. Only male Asian elephants grow tusks. Asian Elephant Coloring Page (Print the PDF) The Asian elephant is smaller than the African elephant. Asian elephants live in jungle habitats. Its entirely different than the deserts of Africa. Water and vegetation are more plentiful in the jungle. So Asian elephants do not need wrinkled skin to trap moisture or large ears to fan their bodies. Even the trunks of Asian and African elephants are different. African elephants have two finger-like growths on the tip of their trunks; Asian elephants only have one. Elephant Family Coloring Page (Print the PDF): Do you think you can tell African and Asian elephants apart? Are these African elephants or Asian elephants? What are the identifying features? Elephant Diet Coloring Page (Print the PDF): All elephants are plant  eaters (herbivores). Adult elephants eat about 300 pounds of food a day. It takes a long time to find and eat 300 pounds of food. They spend 16 to 20 hours a day eating! Updated by Kris Bales

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fundamental of International Buisness Master Essay

Fundamental of International Buisness Master - Essay Example CPC's production facilities are decentralized according to the four regions in which it operates, following the principle of having the right product in the right store at the right time. Using SAP software for more effective management of logistics and promotional investments, reduction of out-of-stocks, and excellent customer service, it has production and R&D facilities in the following countries: CPC has a stable of global brands that include the following: Colgate, Palmolive, Kolynos, Sorriso, Elmex, Mennen, Protex, Softsoap, Irish Spring, Ajax, Soupline, Suavitel, Hill's Science Diet, and Hill's Prescription Diet. Its product formulations (Annual Report, 2004, pp. 8-12) are adapted to the country or region where these are sold. The growth rates of exports are higher compared to that of domestic sales, which declined slightly by 0.19% (from $2.744 billion to $2.739 billion) in 2003 and grew by 1.52% (to $2.781 billion) in 2004. Colgate-Palmolive Company (2004). Annual report: investing strategically for profitable growth. New York: Colgate-Palmolive Company. Retrieved November 26, 2005, from http://investor.colgatepalmolive.com/downloads/2004Annual.pdf