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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Communication Principles Essay -- Communication

Effective Communication is essential to the success of all businesses however, due to the ever-changing nature of workplaces today effective communication is becoming increasingly difficult and hinged by many barriers, which cause the senders intended meaning to be misconstrued by the receiver. Although Communication within Organisations will never be completely barrier free, many facile solutions can be implemented to facilitate the effects these barriers have. With Respect to this particular case study two key communication principles were evident, the chosen Communications Channel and Noise. Communications Channel is â€Å"a medium through which a message is passed in the process of communication. Communications channels include the spoken, written, and printed word, and electronic or computer-based media such as radio and television, telephones, videoconferencing, and electronic mail. The most effective channel for a specific message depends on the nature of the message and the audience to be reached, as well as the context in which the message is to be transmitted† (Bloomsbury Business Library, 2007, p. 1703). Noise is simply â€Å"anything that interferes with communication effectiveness† (Campling, et al. 2008, p. 477). Choosing an appropriate communication channel for your intended message is a critical part of effective communication. If you choose the wrong channel for the message you are trying to convey not only will it impede communication but is also likely to cause mistrust particularly about sincerity and commitment. The effectiveness of communication channels is evaluated based on richness and opportunity for feedback. Richness refers to the depth of the message. In this case, James has chosen to email his team m... ...ge of noise. James has made mistakes but solutions to eliminate barriers of communication are easily implemented and should be followed to therefore eliminate further disruptions to business. More Importantly, organisations need to develop a communications policy and provide training for staff to help decrease the chance of ineffective communication within the organisation. Works Cited Bloomsbury Business Library. (2007). Business and management dictionary. London: A & C Publishers Ltd Ang, E., Campling, J., Chan, B., Poole, D., Schermerhorn Jnr, J., Tan, W., et al. (2008). Management 3rd Asia-Pacific edition. QLD, Australia: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd Forsyth, P. (2009). Effective Business Writing. London: Kogan Page Ltd Bloomsbury Business Library. (2004). Writing great emails. Email etiquette. (pp. 23-35). London: A & C Publishers Ltd.

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