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Module 6: Question 1: Draw an outline of your associations space. Rundown the organization’s items and clients and the powers in t...

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evolution in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Evolution in the Workplace - Essay Example Whether this survival is by natural selection, or by clinging onto Jesus’ teachings, we were still created to rise to the top. But not everyone rises to the top in the same way. Not only do we not rise in the same way, we are not always chosen for the role we want in life. Our behavior seems to dictate who we will hang out with at lunch time during our high school years. We are guided by our behavior which orders us to determine how we will communicate with our professors in order to receive a passing grade in college. Our children learn to sweat talk us with â€Å"good† behavior when they want to go to a party or want us to change our minds about something already predetermined. Our behavior runs the show. The question isn’t whether we are good at convincing one another or choosing the right group of friends to associate ourselves with. The question is how hardwired is human behavior? (Nicholson, 1998, p. 135) Is it in our genes? Is it in our blood? Did God make us a certain way? Did evolution split us in a particular direction? So many questions with such a diverse amount of answers leads some to believe that it is through natural selection that we are able to stand on our own two feet and be successful in life, and in our workplace. But others, still, believe that from day one, we were made to be a certain way. This could be through creation or evolution. Evolution is not the belief that there is no intelligent design. It is the belief that things change and adapt from its particular origin. The origin can be different for each species and not even Charles Darwin claimed to know what the origin was. (Wright, 1994, pp. 1-10) He only claims that things evolve from one point to another. Evolution however, is not just one step and the theory is not as narrow as it may seem. The theory includes six different components which create the theory of evolution in its entirety. The six components are evolution, gradualism, speciation, common ancest ry, natural selection, and nonselective mechanism of evolutionary change. (Coyne, 2009, p. 3) Each of these parts means something important and are directly applied to determining which person is best fit for the job at hand. Evolution itself means that a particular species undergoes genetic change over time. Is this something that occurs in the workplace? Yes! Overtime, people learn how to please their â€Å"boss† or they are not rehired. For the manager, they learn to look for traits that is going to help grow their business, not shrink it. This is where the idea of modern Darwinism comes in. The new fields of science or psychology do not just come about. They evolve, and with its evolution come the ability to choose in a more purposeful way. Choosing who will work for you is so important because you do not want to be stuck with the thought that you will need to â€Å"fire† that person. Gradualism is the idea that it takes many years to produce the product of evoluti on. (Coyne, 2009, p. 4) In the workplace this means two things. The manager or the boss needs to have several bad apples before realizing what he really wants, and, improvement in the workforce comes over time. Competition adds to the search for the new and better improved resources that will help a company grow, and not extinguish itself. Part of this gradualism is allowing time for change. If the boss does not allow time for change, he or she will either not see change, or the change will

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Warren Court Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Warren Court - Term Paper Example But he was not what people assumed him to be. He changed a lot of things in his court. The remedial power of law was one of the things Earl Warren really believed in and he enforced this idea further as well. The center of attention of court was transferred to personal rights from property rights and great importance was given to ethical values as well as legal issues. The Warren court worked really hard for the civil rights of people. It strongly supported the Bill of Rights as well. The decisions made by the Warren Court brought about many vital changes in the society all over. The decisions mainly covered the issues like one-man, one vote; desegregation and the decisions made in the criminal courts. The Warren Court was considered to be too lenient towards the accused and was hindering the work of the police by doing this. The law enforcement agencies have been among the more influential groups engaged in criticizing the Warren Court (Lytle 1968). Before the Warren Court there wer e not very clear and strong rights given to the accused for his or her defense. They were also hesitant to give the accused constitutional rights. The right of the defendant to get a lawyer who is granted to him or her by the government was introduced in the Warren Court. The decisions which were made in the Warren Courts regarding various issues were undisputed while others were made through split court. The Warren Court mainly focused upon the constitutional regulation of criminal procedure instead of substantive criminal law. Some of the people argue that the efforts made by the chief justice Earl Warren to bring improvements to the criminal justice system are ambiguous and not certain. Chief justice Earl Warren brought about some primary changes in the criminal justice system. During its last eight years the Warren Court revolutionized criminal procedures, taking the lead in the development of American law in the twentieth century (Belknap & Warren 2004). It is also considered b y some to have brought about a criminal law revolution but on the other hand some think that it is barely and evolution in regard to the civil rights of the defendant. However, there is no doubt that the changes in criminal law system made in Warren Court have changed the way the criminal administration worked in United States permanently. In the Bill of Rights there were amendments that protected the rights of the defendant. The fourth amendment stated that the criminal defendant could not be arrested unlawfully and that legal court notice is required in order to search or seize the accused. According to the Fifth Amendment in the Bill of Rights the defendant was guaranteed the advantage against the self-incrimination. Last but not the least; in the sixth amendment the accused was given the right to a fast trial, compulsory process for witness and the right to a counsel for his defense. These amendments give rights to the criminal defendant and to further support these rights certa in rules were made like for example the accused have to be brought in front of the judicial officer as soon as he is arrested. The Warren Court expanded the right to counsel by ruling that criminal defendants charged with felonies in state courts do have fundamental right to an attorney even if they

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Project Design of Portable Stand for Tablet Computer

Project Design of Portable Stand for Tablet Computer 1.1 Customer Specification We were approached by a leading computer brand to design a small, lightweight and portable stand that can be used for any of the companys tablet computers. The company had a strong emphasis on the product being portable and the ability to fit into the end users pocket. The product should allow the end user to easily watch movies, read eBooks, surf the web, conduct a presentation, view photos and much more. The company would be looking to retail this product at  £11.99 and each unit should cost no more than  £4 to manufacture. They have also given us 12 months to complete the design with a prototype to be viewed in month 9. 1.2 Design Specification After considering the customers specification we began to brainstorm to generate possible solutions. First of all the product is to be small and lightweight which makes the material to be used one of the most important factors. Due to the low production price the stand will be made from ABS plastic resin which can be injection moulded. The stand will consist of 5 injection moulded parts which are connected by screw pivot barrels. The bottom of the tablet will feature a non-skid cushioned pad which will allow the stand to be used almost anywhere. Width (Folded)2.5 cm Length (Folded)17.8 cm Height (Folded)2.5 cm Weight 85g No of moulded parts5 1.3 Safety Considerations The first point of action is to identify all safety and non-safety critical engineering safety considerations, Customer safety requirements and design safety requirements. For doing this there are many techniques that will be used: Risk Assessment Identify hazards Observe what actually happens and identify hazards that can reasonably be expected to be present. Attention will be taken to any significant hazards which could cause serious harm or affect a number of people. Employees will be asked for their views as they may be aware of hazards which are not immediately obvious. Who can be harmed? Everyone should be taken into consideration during the risk assessment, including individuals who may not be present at all times. Evaluate risk- This will assess the likelihood that harm from a particular hazard may happen whilst also taking into consideration the precautions already in place. Record findings- Significant findings must be recorded by writing them down. Details of how the assessment was made will be unnecessary. Written documents should be kept for future reference as they may help to demonstrate that legal obligations have been met. Review and arise- The whole process will be reviewed and new processes or procedures introduced can then lead to new hazards which would result in the need for a new review of all assessments to be carried out to keep them up to date. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis FMEA This analytical technique explores the effects of failures or malfunctions of individual components in a system. This will be the first step of a reliability study. This will involve reviewing all the components and assembly of the stand to identify failure modes and their causes and effects. If any part of the stand fails what will be the result? The development of the design and testing of the product should ensure that failures have been eliminated or the risk has been reduced to an acceptable level. Advantages: Improve the quality, reliability and safety of the product Improve company image and competitiveness Increase user satisfaction Reduce system development time and cost Reduce the potential for warranty concerns Early identification and elimination of potential failure modes Increases teamwork and idea exchange Reduce the possibility of same kind of failure in future Fault Tree Analysis This is a graphical technique that will provide a systematic description of the combinations of possible occurrences in a system. This can result in an undesirable outcome. This analysis method will be used to understand how things can fail and to identify the best way to reduce the risk of these happening. Fault tree analysis will be used to: Understand the logic leading to the undesired state Show compliance with safety/reliability requirements Prioritize the contributors leading to the undesired state/event Monitor and control the safety performance Minimise and optimise resources Assist in the design of the product Function as a diagnostic tool Event Tree Analysis This will allow us to see what pathway is creating the greatest probability of failure. This is based on binary logic where an event has or has not happened. It is valuable in analysing the consequences arising from a failure or undesired event. The event tree will begin with an initiating event. The consequences of this event are followed through a series of possible paths where each path will be assigned a probability of occurrences allowing them to be calculated. Advantages: Enables the assessment of multiple faults and failures No need to anticipate end events Areas of single point failure, system vulnerability may be identified and assessed Allows resources to be deployed properly Work can be computerized Visual cause and effect relationship Relatively easy to learn and execute Follows easy to see fault paths Combines hardware, software, environment, and human interaction Permits probability assessment Commercial software is available 1.4 Project Schedule Month à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚  Event à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¢ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Problem Identified Initial research Develop Product Build Prototype Testing Redesign Communicate and conclude Problem Identified The customer provided us with their specification required for the proposed new product.Initial research After Looking over the customer specification research will be conducted to see what products already exist. A brainstorming session will then take place to come up with potential solutions including pro and con lists. From these a best product will then be selected to go ahead and produce.Develop Product Once the best possible product has been identified the key requirements for each feature is selected. This will then give and idea of materials needed and how they will construct the tablet. This will then allow costs to be calculated.Build Prototype First of all the prototype will be created using CAD software in two and three dimensions. This prototype created in CAD will have all dimensions with tolerances and finishes. This will then be passed onto the production team to construct. This will also be shown to the customer at this stage to ensure it meets exp ectation.Testing Once the prototype arrives it must be tested and evaluated to determine if it works and meets the original customer specification. Minor adjustments may be needed at this point to finalise the design.Redesign Using the information gathered during testing, evaluation of the design the solution can then be optimised and revised to achieve better results.Communicate and conclude The final product will be shown to the customer before mass production will follow depending on the feedback from the customer. 2.1 Manufacturing considerations. The prototype was originally modelled using 3d CAD software from where this design was then passed on to the production team to create a solid model of the stand. The prototype did function in the correct manner but the weight was a slight issue. With the product being designed to be portable the weight would need to be reduced. It was decided that the solid components would be hollowed and supports would be set between each side of a component to strengthen them. The total cost for production has been set not to exceed  £4 per unit. The intention is for the stand to be mass produced to decrease product cost and increase profit margin. Due to the small nature of each individual part the best possible way of constructing these will be to use the injection moulding process. Injection moulding is one of the leading methods of producing plastic components. This is a fast process which is used to produce a large number of identical items. After considering many different materials it was established that ABS plastic resin met all the characteristics needed to form each component whilst also being cheaper than many of the other materials available. The companys current injection moulding machine will be used for making the 5 plastic resin components. A 3d model of this is shown below: The clamping end with moving platen takes half of the mould tool. This opens and closes the mould and supplies sufficient force to keep the mould closed when molten ABS resin is injected under pressure. The injection unit takes plastic raw plastic resin granules, heats them until molten, and injects them into the mould. The rotating screw forces the plastic along the barrel. When the right amount of material for the next shot has accumulated the screw stops rotating. The screw then acts like a plunger moving forward and forcing the molten plastic into the mould tool. Materials There were many different materials that could be used for making the individual parts but after much consideration it was decided that ABS plastic resin pellets would be used. ABS is a thermoplastic resin commonly used for injection moulding applications. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) possesses medium strength and performance at a low cost. It is available in multiple grades, colours, and Izod impact ratings. ABS Features Benefits: Easily machined Tough Low cost Rigid High impact strength Ideal for moulding Good chemical and stress cracking resistance Excellent abrasion resistance; electrical properties, moisture and creep resistance. Availability At the moment ABS pellets can be purchased from Zibo City Linzi Yixiang Chemical Co. Ltd. In China and shipped to the UK for  £1000 per Metric Ton which is 1000000grams. Each rotational part will be held together by 5g pivot barrels also shipped from Asia costing  £0.20p per unit. With each fully built unit weighing in around 85grams and requiring 3 pivot barrels each unit would cost: 1000000/70=14286 units  £1000/14286= 0.6p per unit in ABS material ABS material + 3 pivot barrels =  £0.66p per unit material cost. This price does not include cost of production. 2.2 Simulation/Modelling The design process will utilize the use of CAD to produce the trailers drafting and design. By using CAD this will allow the quality of the design to be improved whilst also speeding up the design process. The drafted design of the trailer will be used by any professional involved in the construction of the trailer. 3d simulation also allows for real life situations to be tested prior to the build. Advantages and disadvantages of using CAD Advantages Can be more accurate than hand-drawn designs which reduce human error. You can save and edit ideas, which make it easier and cheaper to modify your design as you go along. You can modify existing ideas, which saves time. Disadvantages The software itself can be expensive so initial costs are high. Staff need to be trained how to use the software, which also adds to costs. Requires a PC. Safety Considerations Although the product is fairly small and compact there are still many safety issues that need to be taken into consideration. Legislation should also be adhered to. Plastic materials are generally inert and lend themselves to product safety. The safety of plastic materials and products which will be used by users and consumers is extremely important to the company and to the industry as a whole. The cost problems associated with exercises such as product recalls and product failure could have a negative image on the company. The risk assessment technique used for tablet stand was a Fault Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA). This method will explore the effect of malfunctions and failures for the individual parts of the product whilst also looking at what can happen within the working environment. The essential questions which are asked in regards to the working environment are: What are the hazards? Who could be harmed and how? What are the effects? What is currently done? Can anything else be done? What are the hazards? Who can be harmed and how? Whats being done? What can be done? Slips and trips Staff/contractors may be injured if they trip over objects or slip on spillages. à ¢-   Procedures for oil spillages in place and are adhered to à ¢-   Floors are in good condition à ¢-   Staff wear safety shoes à ¢-   Good lighting throughout No further action required Use of injection machinery Staff/contractors may suffer serious injury from unguarded moving parts of machinery à ¢-   All dangerous parts of machinery guarded to manufacturers standards à ¢-   All new machinery checked before first use à ¢-   Machinery guards are properly maintained and inspected No further action required Workplace transport Staff may suffer serious, fatal, injuries if struck by a vehicle or fork lift truck. à ¢-  Good segregation measures are on site, à ¢-   All staff, including contractors, wear hi-visibility work wear à ¢-   Annual safety inspections Provide safety rules before jobs begin Manual handling Staff may suffer back pain from handling heavy/bulky objects. à ¢-  Staff are trained in safe manual handling à ¢-   Safe system of work agreed à ¢-   Manual handling aids are No further action required Fire Staff could have fatal injuries from smoke inhalation or burns. à ¢-  Fire risk assessment had been previously done, and any necessary action taken, à ¢-   Staff and contractors told of fire and evacuation policy No further action required Noise Staff may suffer discomfort and potential hearing damage if working in noisy areas or using noisy equipment. à ¢-   If possible, jobs in production areas done when the injection moulding machines are not in use à ¢-   Staff provided with ear defenders or suitable hearing protection when required à ¢-   Machinery is maintained to ensure they run as quietly as possible No further action required The essential questions which are asked in regards to the product are: How can each part fail? What might cause this failure? What will the effects of failure be? How serious are these failures? How are the failures detected? Component Potential Failure Potential effects of failure Severity Potential causes of failure How will failure be detected Action to control risk Plastic Parts Breaking Unusable and possible tablet breakage II End user misuse Visual Instructions provided Plastic Parts Melting Product wont function II End user misuse Visual Instructions provided Plastic Parts Wear and tear Unstable I Overuse Visual Warranty Plastic Parts Causing harm End user harm. Potential Legal issues III Finishing Visual Instructions provided Pivot Screws Breaking Unusable and possible tablet breakage II End user misuse Visual Instructions provided Pivot Screws Wear and tear Still usable but not 100% I Overuse Visual Warranty The level of risk is determined by: Risk = probability of failure * Severity factor Severity Categorised Category Probability Description I Minor Functional failure of part of machine or process no potential for injury II Critical Failure will probably occur without major damage to system or serious injury III Major Major damage to system and/or potential serious injury or personal IV Catastrophic Failure causes complete system loss and/or potential for fatal injury Probability Categorised Level Probability Individual failure mode A 10-1 Frequent Likely to occur frequently B 10-2 Probable Likely to occur several times in the life of the product C 10-3 Occasional Likely to occur sometime in the life of the product D 10-4 Remote Unlikely to occur but possible E 10-5 Improbable So unlikely that occurrence may not be experienced A RP1 High Risk B RP2 C RP3 Medium Risk D Low Risk E I II III IV Severity Category Legislation The company currently adheres to ISO 9001:2008 for the plastic sector which aims to improve the efficiency of all operations within the sector, whether in manufacturing or distributing. 2.4 Details of the final design 3.1 Product Evaluation. When evaluating the design there are a wide range of methods and strategies. The one used in this instance is: F.A.C.E. value Function What does it do and how does it work? Aesthetics Is it attractive, why and what makes it so? Construction What is it made from, how and why? Economics How much does it cost and is this good value for money? Function: The stand will hold a number of current products in landscape or horizontal position for ease of use. Aesthetics: The product was never designed to be good looking but functional. Construction: The product was eventually made from ABS plastic resin due to its properties and cost. The constructed parts are held together with pivot screws due to their cost and ease of use. Economics: The customer had given us a maximum price to work too which enabled us to use strict guidelines when it came to purchasing products. Most of the materials were imported from China due to price issues. Although the product may seem good value money from our point of view, this may not be replicated by the end customer. 3.2 Team Working. Although everyone was not capable of working within a team, the selected group which were proved that teamwork has many benefits. The team worked more efficiently and speed was also increased compared to individual workers. This method also offered support for any members ideas. Creativity Increases: The group brainstorming activity process provided incredible results. Everyone came up with their own vision of the best way of creating the product to the customer needs. The team then decided which idea was the best and then continued to develop this in detail together. This was an invaluable process where team members could give instant feedback on what they thought what would and wouldnt work. Speed: Individuals have different strengths and weaknesses. When it came to tackling the project together the team delegated the workload among themselves according to each others skills. This no only saved time but it also allowed distribution of work within the team ensuring everything was done in the best possible way. Effect on Worker Morale: As staff members were working closely together as a successful team, they spend more time together and begin to know each other. This then created a good relationship between the employees. They started to feel proud of what they had achieved ad contributed to the project which also made them feel good about themselves. This seemed to help their self-esteem. Effect on Individual Responsibility: The overall product was produced by teamwork; all the team members felt they had to deliver to their highest abilities. Everyone had a clear understanding that they were responsible for a specific task and the entire team was depending on them doing a good job. 3.3 Evaluation of Safety During the design process safety was one of the main aspects to consider. Many materials were considered but due too certain aspects whether it was finishing or the product being fire retardant. ABS was eventually picked as this would reduce risk in the overall design of the product. The risk assessments carried out for the workplace proved invaluable as this gave the company a clear indication of what was currently being done within the working environment and what could still be done to improve the safety.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Infectious Mononucleosis :: essays research papers

CauseInfectious mononucleosis is caused by the Ebstein-Barr virus, which is a member of the herpes family. This family also includes the viruses that cause cold sores, chicken pox, genital herpes, and birth defects. The Ebstein-Barr virus has a lengthy incubation period and symptoms usually take about 4-10 weeks to develop.Once a person is infected with a herpes virus, it never really goes away. The viruses are able to lie dormant in our bodies and become active at any time. The only way mono can be spread is through direct contact with infected saliva. That explains why it is known as the "kissing disease". Drinking from each- others glasses, sharing silverware, and coughing can also spread the virus. In rare cases it can be transmitted from person to person through blood transfusions.A person can only be infected when someone who has the virus passes it to someone who has never been exposed. But less than 5% of people w/ mono can recall being in contact w/ someone who had mono. That is b/c some people are strictly carriers. They carry the virus and pass it along to someone else without ever getting any symptoms themselves.Population AffectedAnyone can get mono. About 70-80% of all cases occur in people btw/ the ages of 15-30. Mono is most common among high school and college students who immune systems are usually run down from stress and fatigue. Although mono peaks earlier in females, it occurs more often in males. Females are usually 15-16 when they contract mono and males tend to be around 18-23. It is estimated that by the age of 40, 95% of the population has already had mono. That might be hard to believe, but most people who had mono didn't even know it. They had such mild cases that they thought it was just a cold or flu and their bodies were able to produce antibodies against ever having mono again.SymptomsIf symptoms do appear, they don't develop immediately. The incubation period lasts anywhere from 2 to 7 weeks. The 1st symptoms are commonly mistaken for a cold. They are headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, and chills. The symptoms become more severe as the body's lymphatic system is affected. These include extreme exhaustion, sore throat, fever and swollen glands.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Early Humans Essay

What animals did the early humans hunt for food? Early humans found meat from animals that were back in the day, the meat was not so common because before they had animals they had other types of food like for example, fruits from trees, nuts and sometimes even honey and the y also got berries form the burry bushes like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and so on, but the animal that they always use to eat in the ancient times was the buffalo which was one of the most common animals in there specific villages and mostly when they would get the animals they would open them up with sharp things and then they would eat the meat and by the time they figured out fire they used fire to cook the food like we do know. How the early Human nut and got their food? Well the simple answer is that they used weapon to hunt the animals but we always thought that the early humans are stupid but the truth is that they are actually very smart because of the weapons they used for hunting and another thing they did to hunt food was that back in the early days there was a group of people called hunter gatherers and what hunter gatherers are is that basically a group of people for example from villages (mostly man) would go out to hunt for food mostly everyday and then when any of them would get food they will bring it to the group of people that they are and then the would most probably share the food with the people. And mostly the weapons would be made out of stones and wood. Also an example of the weapons they used wear spears and bows made out wood and stones. The most common food eaten nowadyaus are seeds. Also very populare is vegetables and fruits.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cypw Level 2 Shc 21

CYPW Level 2 Unit SHC22 Introduction to communication in health social care or childen's and young peoples setting. Task 1 – Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1. 1, 1. 2 and 1. 3 1. 1- Describe the duties and responsibilities of your role: To assist and support the Early Years Leader. Work as a member of the staff team, under the supervision of the Early Years Leader, to provide safe, high quality care and education for all attending pre-school. To support each child's transition from home and recognise the importance of creating positive links with parents in accordance with the policies of pre-school.To respond to the individual needs of the children. Listen effectively and appropriately to the needs of the parents. To have skills and knowledge in matter’s concerning children's health and safety and to provide a safe environment at all times. To be aware of, and maintain at all times, Christ Church pre-school's confidentiality policy. To maintain the ac cident book, register's and other record's as the need arises. To maintain apparatus to high standard. Attend regular staff meetings and be familiar with the organisation of preschool. Assist with fundraising activities. 1. – Identify standards that influence the way your role is carried out: EYFS Children's Act 1989 Children's Act 2004 Data Protection Act 1998 Admissions Policy Settling In & Transition Policy Equality & Diversity Policy Special Educational Needs/Disability Policy Health & Safety Policy Fire Procedure Risk Assessment Forms Continence & Personal Development Policy Medication Policy Medication Forms Safeguarding Children Policy & Procedures Behaviour Management Policy & Practice Confidentiality Policy Data Handling Policy Record Keeping Guidance Emergency Closure PolicyParental Involvement Policy Visitors Policy Complaints Procedure Procedure in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff Staffing & Employment Policy Code of Conduct – Promoting Safe Practice Social Networking Policy Internet Policy Mobile Telephone Policy Drugs and Alcohol Policy Harassment & Bullying Policy & Procedure Whistle Blowing Policy Student Placement Policy Volunteer Policy Procedure for Uncollected Children Procedure for when a child leaves the group unaccompanied Equipment & Resources Policy Environmental Policy Food & Drink Policy Healthy Eating PolicyProcedure for Outings Consent Form for Outings 1. 3– Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes and beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work: listen, be patient and don't be judgmental and stay impartial this could also include being supportive and empathetic in certain situations. Making sure a variety of toys, snacks and activities are tailored and available for different children's and children's parents beliefs and background this is a lovely way to teach children about the differences there are in each other and showing them its nice and exciting to have individual experiences and beliefs.I particularly like the celebrations of different festivals and special occasions from around the world and how the children love to get involved either by dressing up in costume's, trying new and different foods or listening to the different types of music from other countries. Making sure all the children and children’s parents/carers are made to feel important and that you can be approached by them at anytime and they feel you can be open-minded but professional about any concerns or worries they may have. Cypw Level 2 Shc 21 CYPW Level 2 Unit SHC22 Introduction to communication in health social care or childen's and young peoples setting. Task 1 – Links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1. 1, 1. 2 and 1. 3 1. 1- Describe the duties and responsibilities of your role: To assist and support the Early Years Leader. Work as a member of the staff team, under the supervision of the Early Years Leader, to provide safe, high quality care and education for all attending pre-school. To support each child's transition from home and recognise the importance of creating positive links with parents in accordance with the policies of pre-school.To respond to the individual needs of the children. Listen effectively and appropriately to the needs of the parents. To have skills and knowledge in matter’s concerning children's health and safety and to provide a safe environment at all times. To be aware of, and maintain at all times, Christ Church pre-school's confidentiality policy. To maintain the ac cident book, register's and other record's as the need arises. To maintain apparatus to high standard. Attend regular staff meetings and be familiar with the organisation of preschool. Assist with fundraising activities. 1. – Identify standards that influence the way your role is carried out: EYFS Children's Act 1989 Children's Act 2004 Data Protection Act 1998 Admissions Policy Settling In & Transition Policy Equality & Diversity Policy Special Educational Needs/Disability Policy Health & Safety Policy Fire Procedure Risk Assessment Forms Continence & Personal Development Policy Medication Policy Medication Forms Safeguarding Children Policy & Procedures Behaviour Management Policy & Practice Confidentiality Policy Data Handling Policy Record Keeping Guidance Emergency Closure PolicyParental Involvement Policy Visitors Policy Complaints Procedure Procedure in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff Staffing & Employment Policy Code of Conduct – Promoting Safe Practice Social Networking Policy Internet Policy Mobile Telephone Policy Drugs and Alcohol Policy Harassment & Bullying Policy & Procedure Whistle Blowing Policy Student Placement Policy Volunteer Policy Procedure for Uncollected Children Procedure for when a child leaves the group unaccompanied Equipment & Resources Policy Environmental Policy Food & Drink Policy Healthy Eating PolicyProcedure for Outings Consent Form for Outings 1. 3– Describe ways to ensure that personal attitudes and beliefs do not obstruct the quality of work: listen, be patient and don't be judgmental and stay impartial this could also include being supportive and empathetic in certain situations. Making sure a variety of toys, snacks and activities are tailored and available for different children's and children's parents beliefs and background this is a lovely way to teach children about the differences there are in each other and showing them its nice and exciting to have individual experiences and beliefs.I particularly like the celebrations of different festivals and special occasions from around the world and how the children love to get involved either by dressing up in costume's, trying new and different foods or listening to the different types of music from other countries. Making sure all the children and children’s parents/carers are made to feel important and that you can be approached by them at anytime and they feel you can be open-minded but professional about any concerns or worries they may have.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A synopsis of the similiarities and differences of the emergent theory and the reductionist theory in explaining the world

A synopsis of the similiarities and differences of the emergent theory and the reductionist theory in explaining the world Reductionism and The Emergent TheoryThroughout time people have always has the desire to understand the world around them. In this pursuit of knowledge many theories have been formulated to try to explain natural phenomenon. Theories of particular interest are those that attempt to give an answer to what is the best way to understand the mysteries of the world. Two prominent views are the reductionist theory and the emergent theory. Reductionism claims that there is a basic unit that composes all physical entities in this world, and anything can be understood by reducing it to its ultimate components. In this tradition the whole is defined in terms of its parts. The emergent theory argues that properties and laws cannot be reduced to those of its constituents. Rather the world is structured into layers each with their own properties and laws. Many of the inhabitants of the layers are interconnected but their properties and laws remain irrelevant to one another.EEG with 32 elektrodesI n this spirit the parts are defined in terms of the whole.The similarities and differences between the reductionist and the emergentist explanations of the world are best illustrated with a discussion about the nature of the mind. Both the reductionist and emergent views of the mind agree that it originated through evolution from molecular structures. The reductionists then go on to say that the mind can be understood by reducing it to its components and it is merely a simplistic way of defining the actual and potential patterns of behavior. The emergent view on the other hand sees the mind as existing on a higher level of reality and that its properties cannot be reduced to simple physical structures. Even though there are relationships between the physical structures and the mental processes that take place, emergentists argue that by...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Know The Main Forms Of Mental Ill Health Essays

Know The Main Forms Of Mental Ill Health Essays Know The Main Forms Of Mental Ill Health Essay Know The Main Forms Of Mental Ill Health Essay Temper upsets – Peoples who suffer temper upsets suffer from terrible or drawn-out temper provinces that disrupt their day-to-day life. Personality disorders- Personality upsets are conditions in which an person differs significantly from an mean individual. in footings of how they think. perceive. feel or associate to others. Anxiety disorders- Anxiety is a feeling of anxiousness such as concern or fright that can be mild or sever. Everyone has feelings of anxiousness at some point in their life. For illustration you may experience disquieted and dying about sitting an test or holding a medical trial or occupation interview. During times like these. experiencing dying can be absolutely normal. However some people find it difficult to command their concerns. Their feelings of anxiousness are more changeless and can frequently impact their day-to-day life. Psychotic disorders- Are terrible mental upsets that can do unnatural thought and perceptual experiences. Peoples with psychosis lose touch with world. Two of the chief symptoms are psychotic beliefs and hallucinating. Delusions are false beliefs. such as thought that person is plotting against you or that the Television is directing you secret messages. Hallucinations are false perceptual experiences. such as hearing. seeing. or experiencing something that is non at that place. Substance related disorders- This is continued usage of a substance legal or illegal. Substances include. intoxicant. pep pills. caffeine. inhalants. nicotine. prescription medicines. such as depressants. opioid’s ( morphia. heroine ) marihuana ( hemp ) . cocaine or psychedelic drugs. Eating disorders- Anorexia nervosa is a serious mental wellness status. It is an eating upset in which sick persons keep their organic structure weight every bit low as possible. Peoples with anorexia normally do this by curtailing the sum of nutrient they eat. doing themselves puke and exerting overly. Bulimia is an eating upset and mental wellness status. Peoples who have bulimia seek to command their weight by badly curtailing the sum of nutrient they eat. so orgy feeding and purging the nutrient from their organic structure by doing themselves puke or utilizing laxatives. 1. 2 One strength of the DSM and the ICD is that persons enduring from mental hurt can acquire some closing from a diagnosing. Patients may experience entirely prior to diagnosis but can happen people to speak to who may be enduring from the same unwellness. Furthermore. a diagnosing can assist households understand what an person is traveling through. assisting them supply support. In add-on. the DSM and ICD supply a consistent categorical model so mental wellness professionals are able to do an accurate diagnosing after hearing about a patients marks and symptoms. On the other manus. both the DSM and ICD have many failings. The first major failing is that one time people have been diagnosed with a mental wellness job society stigmatises them taking to them experiencing pushed out of the community. holding problem happening a occupation and makes their illness worse. In add-on. the categorization systems ignore societal causes of mental unwellness. For illustration. an person may experience down due to the loss of a loved 1. Another failing is that people can lie about their mental wellness taking to an inaccurate diagnosing. Rosenhan shown how absolutely healthy persons can lie about hearing the words thud. empty and hollow to a head-shrinker and will be diagnosed with depression directly off. Finally. many head-shrinkers and mental wellness workers have certain prejudices and this can impact how persons are diagnosed. For illustration. work forces and adult females with the exact same symptoms can come off with a wholly different diagnosing due to gender prejudices. Eg. adult female are seen as more emotional and are more likely to be diagnosed with depression whereas work forces are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD due to their aggressive nature. 1. 3 Biological and physical demands air. H2O. nutrient. shelter. heat. slumber. sex Esteem needs accomplishment. position. duty. repute 1. 4 Examples of marks and symptoms include: Feeling sad or down Baffled thought or decreased ability to concentrate Excessive frights or concerns. or utmost feelings of guilt Extreme temper alterations of highs and depressions Withdrawal from friends and activities Significant fatigue. low energy or jobs kiping Withdrawal from world ( psychotic beliefs ) . paranoia or hallucinations Inability to get by with day-to-day jobs or emphasis Trouble apprehension and associating to state of affairss and to people Alcohol or drug maltreatment Major alterations in eating wonts Sexual activity thrust alterations Excessive choler. ill will or force Suicidal thought Sometimes symptoms of a mental wellness upset appear as physical jobs. such as tummy hurting. back hurting. concern. or other unexplained achings and strivings. 2- Know the impact of mental sick wellness on persons and others in their societal web. Peoples with mental wellness jobs experience bias and favoritism in about every facet of their lives. Many have said the stigma of mental sick wellness is more disenabling than the illness itself. Research has shown that people with mental wellness jobs are pre-judged. happen it difficult to acquire occupations and prolong friendly relationships and relationships. Research has besides shown that ignorance. fright. and stereotypes presented in the newspapers. on the Television and at the film. all contribute to negative attitudes towards mental ailment wellness. Most people have small cognition about mental unwellness and their sentiments are frequently factually wrong. 2. 2 A-Psychological impact can include fickle idea forms. unexplained alterations in temper. deficiency of involvement in socialising. deficiency of empathy. inability to state the difference between world and phantasy. Mental wellness jobs can do a broad assortment of emotional symptoms. some of which include: Changes in temper Erratic thought Chronic anxiousness Exaggerated sense of dignity Impulsive actions B- Unable to transport out twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours undertakings such as clean uping up. wash. shopping. cookery and personal attention. Find it hard to hold the energy to pull off your fundss. or to care about money at all. If your depression is durable. you may happen it hard to gain money through working. You may experience that you do non desire to open letters from your bank or non hold the energy to pay measures. Treatment for depression may besides hold an impact on how much money you have. You be prescribed anti-depressant drugs that can hold unpleasant side effects intending that you are unable to work. C- Unable to utilize services due to low self-pride. deficiency of assurance. low energy degrees. effects of medicines. inability to perpetrate. D- Withdrawing from activities. unable to keep relationships. fright of traveling out. anxiousness. E- bitterness. anxiousness. fright. apprehension. choler at feeling pressured into making something you don’t ex perience you can make. ensuing in a feeling of low self-worth and abhorrence. 2. 3 A- Could do households to interrupt down. sorrow for a life they could hold had. fright of the impact the individual with the mental wellness unwellness will hold on their lives. Families could experience unable to voice their concerns or jobs in instance they upset the individual enduring mental wellness. B- Taking the load of all the fundss. guaranting all measures are paid. The individual with the unwellness might non be able to keep down a occupation seting more force per unit area on household members. C- Using services could give the household the support they need to get by with mental unwellness. supply information on services that are available to them. including groups and council members. D- Families can experience really stray. withdraw from socializing. feelings of guilt if they do travel out socially. unable to do or keep friendly relationships. E- Positive impacts ab initio are frequently few and far between but once they entree aid and back up there can be positive im pact from support groups or NHH for both the client and their household. In order to advance good mental wellness. there must be action. Mental wellness publicity covers a assortment of schemes. all of which have the purpose of doing a positive impact on mental wellness. Actions taken to advance mental wellness include schemes and plans to make environment and life conditions to back up mental wellness and let people to follow and keep healthy life styles. There is no one-size-fits-all plan for advancing good mental wellness. The scope of picks available additions the opportunities for even more people to see the benefits of good mental wellness – or bettering their mental wellness.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Edward Craven Walker and the History of Lava Lamps

Edward Craven Walker and the History of Lava Lamps Singapore-born inventor Edward Craven Walker was having a pint in post WWII England. The pubs decor included a fascinating lamp, which Craven Walker described as a contraption made out of a cocktail shaker, old tins and things. It was to become the starting point and inspiration for Craven Walkers design. Edward Craven Walker Designs the Modern Lava Lamp The liquid-filled inventor proceeded to purchase the equally liquid-filled lamp, whose creator (Mr. Dunnett) Walker later discovered had died. Walker became determined to make a better version of the novelty item and spent the next decade and a half doing so (in between running an international house-swap agency and making films about nudism.) Walker worked on improving the lamp with his company, the Crestworth Company of Dorset, England. Initially local retail merchants thought his lamps were ugly and disgusting. Luckily, for Craven Walker the Psychedelic Movement and the Love Generation came to dominate 60s merchandising in Great Britain and sales of the lava lamp soared. It was the perfect light for modern times, Walker declared: If you buy my lamp, you wont need to buy drugs. The Lava Lamp's Secret Recipe Edward Craven Walker perfected a secret Lava recipe of oil, wax, and other solids. The original model had a large gold base with tiny holes to simulate starlight, and a 52 oz globe that contained red or white Lava and yellow or blue liquid. He marketed the lamp in Europe under the name of Astro Lamp. Two American entrepreneurs saw the lava lamp displayed at a German trade show and bought the rights to manufacture the lava lamp in North America under the name Lava Lite Lamp. Lava Lamp Sales and Success Before selling his company, sales of the lamps had exceeded seven million units. Today with over 400,000 lava lamps made each year, the Lava Lamp is enjoying a comeback. Craven Walkers original  company, the Crestworth Company, changed names to Mathmos in 1995 (a reference to the bubbling force in Barbarella.) They still manufacture the Astro, Astro Baby, and more Lava Lamps in their original home of Poole, Dorset, UK. How the Basic Lava Lamp Works Base: Holds a 40 watt frosted appliance light bulb inside a reflecting cone. This cone rests on a second cone, which houses the light bulb socket and electrical cord connection. The electrical cord has a small in-line switch on it and a standard US 120v plug. Lamp: A glass container containing two fluids, called water and lava, both trade secrets. A metal cap seals the top of the lamp. There is a small amount of air at the very top of the lamp. Loose at the bottom of the lamp is a small coil of wire called the element. Top Cap: A small plastic cover over the top of the lamp which serves to both hide the lamps inner cap and the waterline. When turned off and cold, the lava is a hard lump at the bottom of the glass container and can barely be seen. The light bulb, when turned on, heats both the element and the lava. The lava expands with heat, becomes less dense than the water, and rises to the top. Away from the heat, the lava cools and becomes denser than the water and falls. The lava at the bottom reheats and begins to rise all over again and as long as the lamp is on, the lava keeps flowing in pleasing up-and-down waves. Initially lamps require a warm-up period of about 30 minutes to melt the lava before going into full motion. Todays modern lava lamps use Borosilicate glass that can withstand quick extremes in temperature.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Obstacles and Pitfalls to Success Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Obstacles and Pitfalls to Success - Essay Example A lot of prevention measures are been taken by the management to regularize the system so that the information can be kept a secret as it concerns with the emotions of a person. Earlier the medical records were available to anyone. But nowadays the management makes sure that the information is secure so that the patients do not uncomfortable during the course of the treatment. But there are a lot of obstacles and barriers that arise because of no information about the disease of the patient. Due to the lack of information doctors, nurses and health care executives are in a danger of acquiring communicable diseases from the patient. However they do have the right to protect themselves from the viruses they may acquire from the patients but it becomes a difficult task as little or no information is available with them about the history of the patient. (buzzle.com) Another issue that the patients have to face is the consent form they need to sign up before any surgery could be done. Consent is a preprinted paper with the space provided to handwrite the surgery to be performed. It has to be signed by the patient in order to move ahead and perform the surgery. The patient has to be informed about the surgery to be performed. Merch (2006) wrote â€Å"consent becomes informed when the person has the ability to understand and ultimately does understand the potential benefits and the risks of decision and the alternatives to the choice he is making. When a person gives consent, the doctor and all the other health care practitioners are then legally and ethically obligated to abide by the conditions of the consent agreement. Their obligation ends only if the person later withdraws or modifies consent.† (en.wikipedia.org). Some patients are sometimes expected to sign the consent even before they have met the surgeon. This has been a compromise over the Ethics. But unless the person signs the consent even

Friday, October 18, 2019

12 sentences on each of questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

12 sentences on each of questions - Essay Example They contained the subject of Dharma. The original formulation suggests four Ä Ã…›rama which are; the student, householder, renouncer and the hermit. By the virtue of being named as the Ä Ã…›rama, the four modes of life have their independent religious and social institutions. Furthermore, they were given their own legitimacy and theological valuation. This formulation posits the Ä Ã…›rama as mandatory modes of life which are suitable for various phases in the life of a human. The classical formulation eliminates the aspect of choice which was central in the original formulation. The Ä Ã…›ramas, in this case are converted to temporary periods as opposed to previously permanent vocations. Renunciation is the final phase which occupies a man’s life. As such, a person passes through different Ä Ã…›ramas in an orderly manner. This takes place at different times in a man’s life. The first phase begins when a boy undergoes verdict initiation. This is what is considered as entry into the Ä Ã…›ramas and the initiatory studentship is regarded as the first Ä Ã…›rama. This phase concludes with a ritual birth which indicates that the student can return to his parent’s home where he finds a partner. The â€Å"bare-bones† conception of Karma claims that right and wrong actions produce good and bad consequences for the agent who performs them. Many scholars have come to consensus to suggest that the theory of karma can be understood in terms of samskaras, which means dispositions or habits to repeat similar actions in the future. The contemporary interpretation of karma is that sankaras produce phala. The contemporary interpretation can be said to be plausible as a person needs not commit to the theory of Karma per se to admit that actions contribute to habits, some of which lead to success, others of which lead to failure. The affection can be expressed in both ways, i.e. as if God is one’s child or as if one is

Anton Chekovs A Marriage Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Anton Chekovs A Marriage Proposal - Essay Example His fundamental focus is on the common man, their lives and problems and the manner in which they deal with them. A similar situation is also observed in the play â€Å"A Marriage Proposal†. As the name suggests the play is about Ivan Vassiliyitch or Lemov proposing Stepan Stepanovitch’s or Tschub’s daughter Natalia Stepnaovna. Although the play is extremely hilarious and chaotic yet it is observed that Chekov uses the comical aspect of the play to reveal varied human behaviors. Moreover this revelation of characters is reiterated by employing two techniques i.e. the character’s self-revelation and the explication of the fellow characters. Hence by using this technique Chekov presents the readers with an in-depth character analysis where the reader is enlightened about an individual’s personal perspective as well as the manner in which the other people perceive him. Since the commencement of the play Chekov divides the responsibility of each character’s introduction amongst the fellow characters as it is also apparent from the fact that rather than using stage directions or any other technique he utilizes dialogues as a mode for explaining the characters of Lemov and Natalia. Lemov represents a young nervous man who is at a point in life where he badly desires to get settled though he is agitated at broaching the subject with the respective bride’s father Tschub. This hesitation is highly apparent in the lines where he says, â€Å"It is not the first time I have had the honor of turning to you for assistance†¦ I beg your pardon I am a bit excited I’ll take a drink of water first† (Chekov 499). These lines depict his restlessness as well as provide the readers with an interesting insight about his character that he is a young man at brink of committing himself in a matrimonial relationship and the whole process of asking for Tschub’s daughter’s hand makes him jittery. Lemov’s dialogues also enlighten the readers about the reasons for marrying Natalia as he says, â€Å"I’m cold†¦the chief thing is to settle matters†¦I’m thirty-five a critical age you might say†¦I must live a well regulated life† (Chekov 500). In other words Lemov represents a guy in the prime age of getting married, who has a bad case of nerves about committing himself in a binding relationship. However he is brave enough to be willing to take the plunge because of his stature in life and the requirement of his health i.e. he believes having a wife will cure him from a bad heart. Moreover he is a man who has the habit of either talking in riddles or straying from the actual topic as it is evident from his failed attempts of proposing to Natalia. As time and again he says, â€Å"Only listen until I have finished†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chekov 502) rather than coming directly to the point he keeps getting in arguments with Natalia because of his lack of being able to steer the conversation in the right direction. Moreover through his assertions the readers realize that he considers himself a self-righteous and a fair man which is again concluded from his assertion, â€Å"my lady I have never appropriated other people’s property and I shall permit no one to accuse me of such a thing† (Chekov 503). His indignation further highlights his personality traits to the readers although Natalia believes otherwise. However it cannot be denied that he is a highly principled individual yet he has a kind heart and has the tendency of eventually giving in to an argument. This is apparent from the lines, â€Å"it was only principle of the thing the property isn’t worth much to me but the principle is worth a great deal† (Chekov 507). These parallels of opinions about Lemov’s character i.e. his personal opinion about himself and

Unemployment in Mexico and USA and Comparison between them Essay

Unemployment in Mexico and USA and Comparison between them - Essay Example This topic is of high interest as it will help in analyzing the overall economic conditions of two important economies; the United States and Mexico. A comparison between the Unemployment levels of these two countries will also be presented. Unemployment represents the number of people that are not working or jobless (Wessels, 2000). During the recession, the Unemployment level of country increases as more people lose their jobs (Mankiw, 2009). The global recession of 2007-2008 resulted in a large number of people to lose their jobs in different parts of the world. Unemployment level was showing a decreasing trend internationally, as presented in the graphs below until the economic recession that hit the world global market. From 2007, the unemployment level of the world increased drastically; however, it has decreased in the last two years or so.The unemployment level in the United States and Mexico also increased drastically after the recession. However unemployment level increased more in the USA than in Mexico.Data will be collected from different renowned websites such as World Bank and other authentic published reports. The research will be quantitative and qualitative. Literature review section will cover the qualitative data and analysis section will cover the quantitative data. The relationship between the unemployment levels of these two countries will be analyzed, and a comparison will be presented. Statistical tools will be applied to analyze the unemployment level.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic Assignment - 1

Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic - Assignment Example This forms the need to write this report. NAFTA is an example of trading bloc in USA, which came into effect in January 1 1994. It is the largest trading bloc in the world and for this reason; we have used it as a basis of our argument. We have also used other trade deficits to back up our arguments. A free trade area is a form of integration in the countries represented. The countries enter to either a bilateral trade agreement or multilateral trade agreement. We shall define the meaning of the two different types of trade and give an example on each. USA has entered into a number of agreements with different countries for reasons such as: boosting trade, gaining a wider market for its finished and unfinished products among others. Trade barriers such as customs duty and tariffs have been removed facilitating free movement of goods and services in the countries (Davidson 1990). Agreements such as NAFTA agreement that was precendented by United States – Canada trade agreement has had both positive and negative effects in the growth of economy of the country. In the next pages we shall look both at the positive impacts of trade agreements made by USA and dwell more on the negative impacts of the trade. We shall use the NAFTA agreement as the basis of our arguments and othe r trade deficits to backup these arguments. Also illustrations will be used to show the situation in the ground. Business free trade agreements are treaties made between two people or countries to remove barriers of trade between them. These barriers may include tariffs and taxes. These free trade agreements between countries also allow people to move freely with minimum or no restrictions in member countries. The business free trade agreements help in liberalization of international movement of goods and services across countries. Countries that have business free trade agreements sign a

The business enivornment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The business enivornment - Essay Example The organization engages and employs the resources using strategic approaches to reap some profit. Consequently, this effort build the economy since profit made is spent within the economy. A profit-based organization generates income, utilizes resources, creates employments and develops technology on course of its endeavors (Kew & Stredwick, 2005). Promotion these factors develops the overall economy. On contrast, non-profits ventures have an indirect contribution. These organizations mainly focus in promoting specific aspect in the society. Although these organizations may lobby for a certain idea in the society without an objective gains, their activities may influence benefits to the economy (Campbell & Craig, 2005).These organizations sponsor projects like one targeting poverty eradication, health, equality and security. These models enhances societal wellbeing hence boosting community status develops economy. Mainly, fiscal and monitory forces define the state of economy. Presently, the central bank and governments are presenting tighter forces. This has an impact of improving the future performance of the economy. The practice affects trade in the country hence affecting economy. The procedure will help Countries in minimizing on counteract inflationary forces (Campbell & Craig, 2005). However, espousal of relaxed policies would endorse growth within short periods. Coca Cola is a triumphant firm with a worldwide market. The impact of the Company’s social responsibilities on its customers is apparent. Being a premier supplier of fast drinks, the Company observes the policy of delivering quality and standard products. The Company has maintained professionalism for decades. This ensures customers’ health security since consumers have assurance of accessing safe products (Sims, 2004). The Company avails packaging precautions that enable the customers’ access products while in appropriate form. The practice has substantially enhanced global health.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic Assignment - 1

Free trade agreements' negative effects on U.S economic - Assignment Example This forms the need to write this report. NAFTA is an example of trading bloc in USA, which came into effect in January 1 1994. It is the largest trading bloc in the world and for this reason; we have used it as a basis of our argument. We have also used other trade deficits to back up our arguments. A free trade area is a form of integration in the countries represented. The countries enter to either a bilateral trade agreement or multilateral trade agreement. We shall define the meaning of the two different types of trade and give an example on each. USA has entered into a number of agreements with different countries for reasons such as: boosting trade, gaining a wider market for its finished and unfinished products among others. Trade barriers such as customs duty and tariffs have been removed facilitating free movement of goods and services in the countries (Davidson 1990). Agreements such as NAFTA agreement that was precendented by United States – Canada trade agreement has had both positive and negative effects in the growth of economy of the country. In the next pages we shall look both at the positive impacts of trade agreements made by USA and dwell more on the negative impacts of the trade. We shall use the NAFTA agreement as the basis of our arguments and othe r trade deficits to backup these arguments. Also illustrations will be used to show the situation in the ground. Business free trade agreements are treaties made between two people or countries to remove barriers of trade between them. These barriers may include tariffs and taxes. These free trade agreements between countries also allow people to move freely with minimum or no restrictions in member countries. The business free trade agreements help in liberalization of international movement of goods and services across countries. Countries that have business free trade agreements sign a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Battleship Potemkin Essay Example for Free

Battleship Potemkin Essay Montage is more than simply a technique. Montage compels you like a book because of what is left to the imagination. Giannetti’s book defines montage as â€Å"Transitional sequence of rapidly edited images, used to suggest the lapse of time or the passing of events.† The entire Battleship Potemkin movie gave the impression of a montage. I would not have been able to pay attention throughout the entire movie if it didn’t move so quickly. I must admit that Eisensteins â€Å"Battleship Potemkin† film is technically brilliant. Eisensteins film; â€Å"Battleship Potemkin† is one of the fundamental landmarks of cinema. The movie is about the crew of a battleship being mistreated. One of the opening scenes illustrates a soldier being hit while sleeping. Then for breakfast soldier are served meat crawling with maggots. When soldiers complain the chief officer inspects the meat and makes it seem as if nothing is wrong with it. When soldiers refuse to eat it officers throw a tarpaulin over the rebellious solders and order them to be shot by the guards amidst their own crew. The crew imploded, the news of the death by its crewmember spread causing chaos. The content of the famous massacre on the Odessa Steps grabbed my attention. The film was once banned in many nations, including its native Soviet Union; governments believed it could provoke audiences to rebel. According to today’s standards the Odessa Steps scene is graphic. Seeing children injured, shot and trampled made me cringe. When the woman stood in front of the soldiers with her bloody son pleading for the soldiers to stop, they shot her without remorse. The repeated close up on the carriage at the top of the steps caused anxiety simply because of the way it was edited. The constant cuts back and forth between the gunfire and the carriage had the viewer thinking are they going to shot the carriage like they did the mother standing in front of it, or is the carriage going to go tumbling down the stair forcing the baby to fly out? â€Å"Battleship Potemkin† is a political drama with the absence of personal drama. No single character is personalized which causes characters to represent or symbolize something greater, group of people with guns vs. a dismal group of unarmed folks. The juxtaposition had the greatest impact. Cutting between the anonymous uniformed gunman and the innocent victims that audiences could easily connect with.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Financial market is important for Savers and Borrowers

Financial market is important for Savers and Borrowers What is financial markets and why it is important for savers and borrowers? Financial market is a system that includes an individuals and institutions, and procedures that together borrowers and savers and it is no matter where is the location between the savers and borrowers. The main role for financial market is to facilitate the funds from the individuals and business that have the majority fund to individuals, business, and governments to fulfill their needs of income. Financial institution is a process that used by organization which providing various types of financial services to their customers. The government authorities has controlled and supervised the institution according to the rules and regulations. Financial institution is giving different type of economic ideas for an organization to carry out their business. Financial institution is an establishment that gives as the financial services. Financial institution based on bank, credit unions, asset management firms and m ore. They are responsible for distributing of the financial resources in a planned way to the potential users. Financial institution can be categorized as Deposit Taking Institutions, Investment Institutions, Pension Providing Institution, Risk Management Institution and more. Financial markets have five type markets their money market, capital market, debt market, equity market and derivative market. Money market is the market that maturities less than one year and provide liquidity to the market place. Capital market is transfer income to the future year, for example home mortgages. Debt market is an financial market for give loans. Equity market is identifying the financial market in which corporate stock are traded. Derivative market is a market the right to sell in the future at a price set today. Their three different ways for transferring capital or fund from savers to borrowers in the financial market their direct transfer of, investment banking house and indirect transfer ( financial intermediaries). This three different way of transferring are taking a major part in the business environment know days for increase the capital of a business or governments to do their project and they will improve their economy of their country. Direct transfer is one of the ways of transferring capital from saver to borrower in the financial market. Direct transfer takes place when an organization sells their goods or bond directly to the savers without going through any other ways of financial institutions. The business gives their securities to the savers and the savers who getting the securities must give the money to the business when the business need. The diagram below is showing the direct transfers process. Direct transfer is giving the borrowers a direct way to get their saver to capital their money in to the borrowers business. In this direct transfer the savers dont have any interrogation from investment banking house or financial intermediaries when they investing their money in to the borrowers business. For an example an organization is willing to start up a new product in their productivity and they dont have much capital to start up the new productivity so the organization will ask the investors or savers to give some funds to start up their new productivity and after they produce their product and they will sail the product. After that they will give the amount that was given by the he savers with the dividend from the profit that the borrower earns according to how much the saver capital in the business. An advantage for direct transfer is the dialing and the transaction will be known by the borrower and the saver. They dont have any interrogation from investment banking house or financial intermediaries so the borrower can get more capital from the saver and for saver he will get more dividend after the borrower gain his profit. The disadvantage for direct transfer is if the borrower is get the money from the saver and the business was faller the saver wont get any money from the borrower because the business is in lost. Or other disadvantage is if the saver gives the money to the borrower and the borrower tack the money and he can cheat the saver. The saver cant get any help from other authorities because they do direct transfer. Investment Banking House is also another way of transferring capital or found from savers to borrower in the financial market. Investment Banking House is underwrite and distributing a new investment security and help the business obtain financial by an organization. The issuance of securities will middleman and facilitates by the underwriter saver. The organization will sells the stock or the bond that they have to the investment bank and the investment bank will sells the same securities to the savers. The diagram below is showing the investment banking house process. Investment banking house is giving the opportunity to the saver to identify which investment is better for them to gain benefits and for borrowers they dont need to worry about finding their saver because the investment banking house will give the investor or saver to the borrower to invest capital to do their business. After the business got the profit the borrower will give the money to the investment banking house and they will give the money to the savers by adding the dividend. And for the investment banking house they will get their income from the both borrower and saver because they are the medal person how identify and give the good borrower for saver and a good saver for the borrower. The advantage for investment banking house is they will identify a good borrower for the saver to invest and they also have more than one investment plane for the savers. For borrowers they dont need to worry about to find their saver because the investment banking house will get the saver for the borrower so the both party will have lesser work compare to direct transfer. The disadvantage is for the investment banking house is if the borrower didnt get the profit from the business so the borrower can give the amount that invest by the saver, so the investment bank house not responsible for that. They wont give any money to the saver. Financial intermediaries Financial intermediaries are the thread way to transferring capital in to financial market. Financial intermediaries specialized financial firm that facilitate the transfer of funds from saver to borrower for a capital for his business. Financial intermediary can identify as a bank. It will create a new financial product to simply transfer money and securities between the borrowers and the savers. The diagram below is showing the financial intermediaries process. The financial intermediaries will tack the capital or fund from the saver who invest to them and they will give their own capital to their borrowers. For example saver give 3milion to the financial intermediaries and the borrower want a capital of 2milion to do his business, so the financial intermediaries will give the lone to the borrower by adding his own inters rate to the borrower. After the business get the profit the borrower will give the money and inters to the financial intermediaries and then the intermediaries will give savers the capital by adding sum inters as a profit for the saver. So the financial intermediaries will get their profit from the inters that they set for the borrower and the give the sum of the inters to his saver. The advantage financial intermediaries are both the saver and the borrower are control by them. They will fix the lone for the borrower and they have the statement of savers ho invest their money to them. Also if the borrower cant give the amo unt that he borrows from them the saver will get his capital. The disadvantage of financial intermediaries it will tack a long term to get the profit for the saver because the intermediaries is using the savers money to give more than one borrower to do their business, so when the borrowers give the money to them then only they can give the hole amount to the saver. Conclusion Financial market is helping the saver and borrower gain more profit. It also helping our country to become stable and giving a good position in economic compare to other country because if savers give more capital to the financial market the can used as a capital for borrowers to do their business to gain more profit to all of them, with this the saver get his profit, the borrower gets is profit, financial market sector can get their profit and the government can improve the economics of the country in higher level. It also give more inters to other country to inverse sum capital or business to improve our standard of life style.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bill Clinton - Redefines Democratic-republican :: William Jefferson Clinton Essays

Bill Clinton - Redefines Democratic-Republican In the early 1800's, the United States was but a promising seedling in search of viable political direction. The initial parties were known as the federalists and the Democratic-Republicans, the first of which soon diminished and the later eventually bisected. The result is the two party Democrat and GOP system which the majority of politicians of current day subscribe. However, many political and economic analysts find themselves perplexed by an incredible new phenomenon radiating from the white house - the economic policies of President Bill Clinton. This dilemma has left many wondering, did we elect a democrat or a republican? Has Clinton unintentionally begun a campaign to reunite the two rivals? The telltale signs of Clinton's political ambiguity include reminiscently republican techniques of reducing the budget, creating jobs, lowered productivity, and shaping the tax code. During Clinton's 1992 campaign, balancing the budget was not among the countries main economic objectives (Miller 4). However, after close scrutiny, the economic woes of the approaching millennium were projected as "higher then we thought it would be" (Miller 4). In fact, "in the twelve years before Clinton took office, the deficit quadrupled in size" (deficit 1). As a result, Clinton must engage in creative cost cutting techniques to keep the budget under control. Money afforded to state and local governments for development programs, such as those which relieve "urban blight," will eventually be cut by two-thirds, a third more then Gingrich's last congress proposed (Rauch 2). In addition, cuts to transportation aid will prove fifty percent greater then republican propositions (Rauch 2). According to Clinton, all of these maneuvers will result in the lowering of the deficit by $600 billion, or almost one-third by the year 1998 (progress 1). Economists speculate that these reforms may produce the desired effect (Rauch 2). However, putting these measures into action may contradict one of Clinton's main election tenets - to preserve the status quo as it relates to government programs. The final budget will include one-seventh for interest on the national debt. A whopping two thirds will go toward entitlement, one sixth for defense programs and another one-sixth for "non- defense discretionary spending" (Rauch 2). Perhaps the most touted aspect of the initial Clinton administration was its ability to "create" jobs. According to the White House, almost six million jobs have been created in the past four years, and the unemployment rate in Texas has dropped from 7.5% to 5.8% (Progress 1). This is a level well below the 6% rate which many economists regard as full employment. However, there may be a great deal more then meets the eye when it comes to these "promising" statistics.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Philosophy :: social issues

Philosophy â€Å"Theories of Connectivity† paints a picture of our tomorrow. It names some of the advancements that we have made in technological areas. Everyday computer companies and universities are devising ways to insert computer systems into every facet of our lives. They have made GPS systems for our cars, palm pilots for easy Internet access, and digital jewelery for easy communication and information storage. We are in an age of network. â€Å"The average American house already contains more than 40 computers. Last year alone, eight billion new microprocessors came into the world.† Gleick traces our path of the present and future of technology. He simply lays out our undeniable urge to invent. When we were children, we played with our toys and loved to explore. Now that child-like motivation has evolved to a greater maturity, and toys are becoming our future. These devices may be complex, but it seems that the goal of electronic companies is to shrink the product in order to make it simpler to handle. Our technology, pervasive computing, seems to be taking over our world today. It seems that we are trying to eliminate human thought and, replace it with computers made by limited human minds. I will focus on Heidegger’s, Habermas’, and Marcuse’s philosophy and their response to today’s technology. Each philosopher has their own philosophy on technological advancements. They do not have the advantage of witnessing some of these new advancements and innovations, but their writing will shed some light on their thoughts. Heidegger believes that technology could be our greatest danger. It has caused such problems as ecological destruction, nuclear danger, and consumerism, and it is using technology to solve these problems, which is even worse. Our society seems to be taking away ration thought and diving deeper into technology to fix our problems. Heidegger will present a possible solution called the saving power. Habermas asks the question, â€Å"How is it possible to translate technically exploitable knowledge into the practical consciousness of a social life-world? He explains where technology should evolve and the power that it holds. He sees technology as a whole new way of life, but it must be applied to the life-world. He will present the knowledge –constitutive interest theory, which will better describe his stance on modern technology. Marcuse follows a thinking that â€Å"the machine†, industry, becomes the center of society. He is an instrumentalist, a view in which technology is neutral and it adds nothing to the ends it serves.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Fair and Lovely Human skin color ranges In variety, from the darkest brown to the lightest plank's- white. Recently, I saw a video about skin color In India. I was surprised and devastated . Their skin color affects their status in society there. They can be denied education, jobs etc. A fair skin person is considered attractive regardless that the person have a healthy figure. My shocking discovery was that many Indian people, mostly women are so obsessed with fair skin. They will go to the ends of the Earth to lighter there skin.They believe ark skin complexion is ugly and the lighter guarantees more opportunities in life. For example If you are fair skin there are bigger changes to get married , get better job and better opportunities in life. Issues that dark skin girls face are different for each girl. One girl was told that she Is a dark skin and Just because of that she will not will be wealthy and rich In her life. That her dark skin complexion will not bring her a husband. H ow was she feeling about that?She TLD get too upset because she knew that she will find someone that will like her for who she is. After being rejected couple times finally she found her husband with who now she has family. But not only now, Indian people are having this issue long time ago. Elder people are telling how some of them had been rejected and some of the weddings also been canceled. The girls had been called ugly. One girls said that she was feeling angry but on the end of the day she knows that not only the outside look what is important is inside too, it's the persons heart.One of the way they are trying to get fair skin Is by using fair skin cream. The fairness creams marketing strategies, which show that a girl can't get married unless she Is fair, change the mindset of Individuals. The visual media has changed Its strategy so much that even fair skin people also use fairness products They use different types of cream. One of them is the power brand called Fair and L ovely. Skin lightening products like this one is not Just used locally, the usage goes viral. The advertising they have for the cream is Just amazing .From the way how they are advertising it to the enormous number of users. Most of them tried to light their skin while on the other side the rest of the population face the problem, accepting It and moving on In life. My attention was drawn to the young dark skin boy, the way how he was treated from the people around him, his friends especially from his teachers. He tried to get fair skin with using creams. The influence from his surrounding affected his decision to different from the other kids. Imagine having no friends in school Just because of your skin color? Ewing ashamed of himself not wanting to be social with fear that his errs might beat him up because of his skin color. The way how they talked to him , the influence that it had on him like a young person who is now developing his morals, his personality , his behavior. I am glad that he is not that influenced from the teachers and that and that he has his family support to grow and develop by accepting his dark skin color like straight not weakness. Man also have been influenced by this trend of bleaching skin. They also thing that being like skin can bring you more opportunities in life.They still believe that if you are dark skin you are poor person and no wealthy. Through the different stages this fair skin stereotyping or Colorist has a different effect. From its impact on self-esteem to it impact on career's and marriage. From one side, I believe everyone is free to do whatever they want . On the other side its sad the opinion for fair skin, that only like that people are beautiful, is so deeply ingrained into the culture. Lets something that people from India don't do it for themselves it's about society and pleasing others.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Lyndall Urwicks 10 Principles to Management Essay

Lyndall Urwick has been prolific and an enthusiastic writer on the subject of administration and management. His experience covered industry, the armed forces and business consultancy. Like other classical writers, Urwick developed his ‘principle’ on the basis of his own interpretation of the common elements and processes, which he identified in the structure, and operation of organization. In 1952 he produced a consolidated list of ten principles in administration and management. Urwick’s ideas in general were popular because of their commonsense appeal to managers in organization. In the last decade, however Urwick’s emphasis on purpose and structure has not been able to provide answers to problems arising from social changes and needed for organizational health. Nevertheless his influence on many modern businesses has been enormous. Lyndall Urwick Urwick was born in England in 1891. He attended Repton and New College, Oxford, and was awarded a B.A. degree in 1913 and a M.A.degree in 1919. He began his career in his family’s glove manufacturing business, Fownes Brothers and Company. Following service in the First World War, he became organizing secretary for Rowntree and Company, a confectioner. He subsequently moved to the position of administrator of the Management Research Groups and then became Director of the International management Institute in Geneva in 1929. When thereat Depression cut short the life of the institute, Urwick returned to England and established the management consultancy; Urwick, Orr and Patterns. 10 Principles Urwick 10 principles are: 1. The principles of objective – the overall purpose or objective is the raison d’à ªtre of every organization. 2. The principles of specialization – one group, one function. 3. The principles of coordination – the process of organizing is primarily to ensure coordination. 4. The principles of authority-every group should have a supreme authority with clear line of authority to other members of the group. 5. The principles of responsibility – the superior is absolutely responsible  for the acts of his subordinates. 6. The principles of definitions – jobs, with their duties and relationships, should be clear defined. 7. The principles of correspondence – authority should be commensurate with responsibility. 8. The span of control – no one should be responsible for more than 5 – 6 direct subordinates whose work is interlocked. 9. The principles of balance – the various units of the organization should be kept in balance. 10. The principles of continuity – the structure should provide for the continuity of activities

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Psycosocial Assessment of the Soloist

Running Head: Strengths Based Assessment 1 Strengths Based Assessment: The Soloist By Colleen Austin SOWK 587a University of Southern California Professor Brittani Morris Strengths Based Assessment2 Character Identification Describe the character you choose as your focus. Include race, ethnicity, age, religion, sex, marital status, living situation, educational level, internal strengths (coping mechanisms, skills, experience, ability to connect to others, resilience, determination, flexibility, commitment, loyalty, etc. ). Mr. Nathanial Anthony Ayers is a middle aged, black African-American man.He is spiritual but identifies with no specific religion, he does pray in the movie, saying the Our Father. He is unmarried, and is homeless. He displays signs of mental illness, most likely schizophrenic as evidenced by his paranoia and he hears voices. He began to hear voices in adolescence. At one point he thought his sister was trying to poison him, so he forced her to eat the food she bro ught to him. He lived in the basement of the home he grew up in. It wasn’t obvious, but he must have remained living with his sister after his mother died.When he went to Juilliard, he got an apartment and the voices became more prominent. There is no evidence that he was ever diagnosed with a mental illness. He has a difficult time maintain relationships with others because he is mentally ill and continually talks to himself. Nathanial has a high school education. He was also accepted and completed some classical music training from Juilliard, according to a teacher there, he just stopped showing up. What happened in his life from that point until the present is unknown. Although he is homeless, one of his possessions is a violin, which only has two strings.In doing this, Nathanial shows determination, because even though he doesn’t have a complete instrument he stills continues to play it. Strengths Based AssessmentPage 3 Nathanial shows loyalty to his music. He is a lways playing his violin and in fact talks about his loyalty to his music when he states that â€Å"he is holding on to his faith in the power of his music. † (The Soloist, 2009) Nathanial shows a lot of inner strengths. He has determination, which is evident by the fact that he continues to play the violin, although it only has two strings.He is resilient, evidenced by the fact that he has been homeless for many years, schizophrenic and yet he is surviving on the streets of L. A. Nathanial shows no flexibility. When Lopez brings him to the apartment, he says that he will play the violin there, but he will not stay there. It was not his apartment he said. II. Significant Relationships Describe 2-3 significant relationships this character has to other characters in the film, both in terms of role and in terms of the resources and/or challenges that this character offers to your focus character.Nathanial’s most significant relationship is with Steve Lopez, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times newspaper. Lopez is fascinated by Nathanial when he discovers that he is a classically trained musician, who is homeless and writes a column with Nathanial as his subject. It isn’t clear at first what Lopez’s motives are, other than to write a column that is entertaining and widely read by Los Angeles. Initially, it is obvious Lopez is using Nathanial as his focus. Lopez is divorced although he continues to have a relationship with his ex-wife who is also Strengths Based AssessmentPage 4 is boss at the Times. In fact his ex-wife tells him that there is possibly a book that could be written about Nathanial and essentially accuses him at one point in the movie of exploiting Nathanial. This relationship shifts over time. He is single and finds himself thinking about Nathanial’s â€Å"plight. † He becomes emotionally invested in Nathanial, in that he feels that he can help this homeless, mentally ill man toward a better life. What he do esn’t understand is that Nathanial is comfortable in his life. He has become accustomed to his homeless life.Lopez, although his latent motives appear to be altruistic, actually causes Nathanial a great deal of stress. He tries to convince the manager of the Lamp Community that he should force Nathanial to see a psychiatrist and be put on medication. David, the manager of the Lamp Community could be another of Nathanial’s significant relationships. He allowed Lopez to leave the cello that was donated by a reader at the facility, because that was the only place that Lopez would allow him to play it. He didn’t want him to have it on the street.David was instrumental in helping Lopez to finally learn what the best thing was that he could do for Nathanial. Lopez needed to be his friend, David told him. That was really what Nathanial needed. Someone he could trust. David was, in this sense, an advocate for Nathanial. He made Lopez understand that Nathanial didnâ€⠄¢t want to see a psychiatrist and even if he did, there were no guarantees that he would even take his medication. It is possible that Nathanial knew that on medication he would not be the same musician. Strengths Bases AssessmentPage 5Graham Clayton, the music teacher, was another character whose relationship to Nathanial was significant. He was teaching Nathanial to play music other than Beethoven, Nathanial’s favorite. In fact, there was a statue of Beethoven in a square and that was where Steve Lopez looked to find Nathanial. Not only did Clayton offer music lessons, but he also offered him spiritual guidance. He set up a recital for Nathanial, however when Nathanial showed up to play, he began to hear voices and when Clayton put his hand on his shoulder, Nathanial reacted with such fear that he nearly assaulted Clayton.Nathanial ran, which was one of his best coping mechanisms, that and playing music III. Community Analysis Describe the two most significant groups/commu nities that your focus character belongs to and/or aspires to belong to in the film. There is one significant community to which Nathanial belongs. And one community that it appears he would like to belong. The first community is the Lamp Community, a shelter for the homeless and often these homeless people are mentally ill. The other community is the music community. Nathanial wanted to be a classic cellist when he was younger.He was excited when Lopez brought him the cello and wanted to keep it with his grocery cart full of belongings. The Lamp Community offered Nathanial food, shelter and clothing. However, he spent most of his time sleeping on the streets, going to the facility only when he needed something. They did offer group sessions for the homeless, but it wasn’t clear what the topics of the group discussions were. The music community would have offered Nathanial the opportunity to advance his career as a musician, however because of the schizophrenia; the audience was a Strengths Bases AssessmentPage 6 barrier to Nathanial’s playing his cello.Lopez found an accomplished music teacher who was willing to teach Nathanial to bring him back to the level he was at when he was at Juilliard, and even brought him new music to play. Playing music and being part of the music community was something that Nathanial desired, however, his illness prevented him from becoming fully invested in pursuing it. I think the Lamp Community was a valuable community resource for Nathanial. It was a safe place for him to go, and in fact the night after the disastrous recital, Lopez found him there having a meal and David told him that he had spent the night in his apartment.When asked why he spent the night there, Nathanial alluded to the fact that he wasn’t a young man anymore and that his body couldn’t take the streets. I think that if Nathanial wanted to see a doctor and take medication, he could have gotten those resources from the Lamp Communi ty. The music community could have provided a less intimidating arena for a recital. Although it seemed to be a very relaxed outdoor atmosphere, putting Nathanial up on stage was asking for disaster. Perhaps the music community could showcase musicians like Nathanial in a much less intrusive setting.Analysis of the Symbiotic Relationship. (This wasn’t required but I wanted to add it. ) I think the relationship between Steve Lopez and Nathanial Ayers worked both ways. The scene where Lopez falls off his bike, goes to the hospital where everything is chaotic, then goes into an MRI and is claustrophobic has so many similarities to Ayers’ life it may have been purely coincidental. I think that was an experience that Lopez had to draw upon while he was trying to â€Å"help† Nathanial. Just like Steve Didn’t want the help at the hospital, neither did Nathanial want Strengths Bases AssessmentPage 7Steve’s help. The mere act of trying to get Nathanial out of his comfort zone was enough to trigger a schizophrenic episode. At the end of the movie, Steve realized that the best thing that he could offer Nathanial was his friendship. Nathanial trusted Steve by the end of the movie. When they first met, Nathanial wouldn’t shake Steve’s hand, but at the end of the movie when Steve offered him his hand, Nathanial took it. Strengths Based AssessmentPage 8 Resources Foster. G. , and Krasnoff, R. (Producer), & Wright, J. (Director). (2009). The Soloist  [Motion picture]. United States: Dreamworks Pictures.