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Module 6: Question 1: Draw an outline of your associations space. Rundown the organization’s items and clients and the powers in t...

Monday, September 30, 2019

Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Essay

Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, February 1818 – February 20, 1895) was an American abolitionist, editor, author, salesman, and reformer. Douglass is one of the most prominent figures in African American history and a formidable public presence. He was a firm believer in equality of all people whether they were black, women, native Americans or immigrants. He was fond of saying â€Å"I would unite with anybody to do right and nobody to do wrong. † Frederick was born a slave in Maryland. He was only with his mother for a couple of weeks, he was raised by his grandparents. His mother, Harriot Bailey, died when he was only seven years old. The identity of his father is obscure. It was said that his father was a white man, perhaps his owner. He later said he knew nothing about his father. At the age of six his grandmother took him to the plantation and left him there. At the age of eight he was sent to Baltimore to live with his owners brother Hugh Auld. It was shortly after he arrived that Mrs Auld started to teach him the alphabet and how to read. Her husband thought it was wrong saying that he would become dissatisfied with his life and have a desire for freedom. Hugh forbid his wife to continue so Douglass took it upon himself to learn. The white kids in the neighborhood helped him learn and in return Douglass would give away his food. At the age of twelve he purchased a book called The Columbian Orator. It helped him to gain a different look and understanding on the power of the written and spoken words. Frederick returned to the eastern shore at the age of fifteen he became a field hand. During this time he had an encounter with the â€Å"slave breaker† Edward Covey. Covey restored his sense of self-worth after the fights. At the age of eighteen he was sent back to live with the Auld family. In September 1838 he succeeded in escaping from slavery by impersonating a sailor. he then moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts where he and his newly married wife Anna Murray begin to raise a family. When he had a chance, he went to abolitionist meetings. In October 1841 after one of the meetings he became a lecturer. He became partners with William Lloyd Garrison. This work led him to public speaking and writing. He also participated in the very first woman’s right conventions. He also wrote three autobiographies starting with Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass followed by My Bondage and my Freedom in 1855 and ending with Life and Times of Frederick Douglass which he wrote after the civil war in 1892. When he returned to the United States he published his own newspaper â€Å"The North Star†. Douglass was recognized all over the world as an uncompromising abolitionist, indefatigable worker for equal opportunity and justice. Douglass fought for equality for his people. He was also recognized for a defender of women’s rights. Douglass became a trusted advisor of Lincoln, recorder of Deeds for Washington, D. C, United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, and Minister-General to the Republic of Haiti. In 1872 Douglass was the first African American to receive a nomination for Vice President of the United States. During the campaign, he neither campaigned for the ticket nor even acknowledged that he had been nominated. In 1877 he was appointed to United States Marshal. He was appointed to the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia in 1877. After his wife died in 1882 he was in a state of depression until his associate Ida B Wells brought meaning back to life for him. Douglass remarried in 1884 to Helen Pitts, a white feminist from New York. The couple faced a storm of controversy as a result of their marriage since she was a white woman and nearly 20 years younger than him. Later in life Douglass was determined to find out his birthday. He adopted February 14th because of his mother, she used to always call him her little valentine. On February 20th 1895 Douglass attended a meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington D. C. Shortly after the meeting he returned home, Douglass died of a stroke or a massive heart attack in his adopted home town of Washington D. C. He is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York. Frederick Douglass was sought to exemplify three keys for success. Believe in yourself, Take advantage of every opportunity, and Use the power of spoken and written language to effect positive change for yourself and society. Douglass also stated that † Whatever is possible for me is possible for you†. By taking these key words and making them his own, Douglass created a life of honor, respect and success that he never would have dreamed of when he was a younger boy living on the plantation. Works Cited http://www. frederickdouglass. org/douglass_bio. html Douglass, Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Christian Age Office. 1895 Fight for Emancipation. Accessed April 19, 2007.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

In a Mans World

In John Steinbeck’s, Chrysanthemums, he generalizes the spirit of a woman and delivers to the audience her thoughts and underlying emotions of being a woman in a â€Å"man’s world. † The chrysanthemums reflects Elisa’s character and her dreams of being free to grow, make decisions, free to travel, make her own money and most of all the desire to be attractive. Elisa feels closed in and secluded from the rest of the world, just as Steinbeck describes the atmosphere at the introduction of the story, â€Å"The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world† (192). Feeling weak and powerless, Elisa unconsciously demonstrates the characteristics of masculinity in order to assimilate into a world not of a woman. For instance, she dresses in clothes that are too big for her feminine features and wears her husband’s huge hat which covers her soft womanly features. Therefore, all of her tools and gardening were, to her, considered â€Å"powerful† and strong. In lines 27-29, Elisa is clearly mimicking the power displayed the men talking in the shed (her husband and two men) â€Å"She looked down toward the men by the tractor shed now and then. Her face was eager and mature and handsome; even her work with the scissors was over-eager, over-powerful† (193). Elisa’s deepest passion is to be strong and powerful. In line 29, the chrysanthemums are described as â€Å"too small and easy† as it seemed to Elisa, though, resembling her own self-image. She exhibits control in the presence of her husband, not to appear diminutive. As she responds to her husband’s comments (â€Å"You’ve got a strong new crop coming. †) regarding her chrysanthemums, she straightens her stance and condescendingly tells him that her chrysanthemums will be strong soon â€Å"Yes. They’ll be strong this coming year† (193). Being a woman is most difficult in life. For Elisa, being treated as the complete opposite of how she wishes to be treated is what frustrates her. However, she is a woman, and the fact that she responds with innate appropriateness is what frustrates her the most. Henry (her husband) tells her that he wants to take her to dinner and a show in the Salina’s, which clearly surprises her, he jokes about taking her to see fights and she responds to him as any woman would â€Å"Oh no. I wouldn’t like fights† (193). Elisa doesn’t realize her husband is being sarcastic in that particular suggestion â€Å"Just fooling, Elisa† (193). Henry feels because she is a woman she won’t be interested or perhaps he is suggesting that she appears to be too masculine, checking to see if she is still womanly. Elisa is also frustrated with her abilities underestimated, as Henry noted her excellent garden, he commented â€Å"I wish you’d work out in the orchard and raise some apples that big† (193). She perceives this comment as if he is saying to her that she cannot multi-task â€Å"Her eyes sharpened. â€Å"Maybe I could do it, too† † (193). When the stranger is at her home he tells her that the road is no good life for a woman, Elisa is offended by this because she feels as if she is just as capable as he is of living on the road and sharpening scissors and repairing pots as he does â€Å"You might be surprised to have a rival some time. I can sharpen scissors, too. And I can beat the dents out of the little pots. I could show you what a woman might do† (197). Elisa’s hopes of going out into the real world are implied to the stranger when he tells her of a customer who loves chrysanthemums and she agrees to give him some for his customer. The chrysanthemums become symbolic of her hopes, â€Å"I’ll put them in a flower pot, and you can take them right with you† (196). The pot that the chrysanthemums are placed in is described as â€Å"a bright new pot† symbolizing a new life. As the stranger was leaving with her chrysanthemums, she reiterated to him to keep the sand damp so the plants wouldn’t die, in other words, take care of her. As he left, she said good-bye to her life and assumed a brighter direction â€Å"that’s a bright direction, there’s a glowing there (197). Realizing how many undesirable relationships she’s had or maybe the impassionate marriage she is in, Elisa reflects on her need to be desired as she explains to the stranger the meaning of â€Å"planting hands† â€Å"Everything goes right down into your fingertips. You watch your fingers work. They do it themselves. You can feel how it is. They pick and pick the buds. They never make a mistake† (196), then she emphasizes â€Å"Your fingers and the plant. You can feel it. When you’re like that you can’t do anything wrong. † (196). The stranger knew what Elisa was saying to him, so he tried to tell her of how he felt, but the pride in her took over and she did not let him finish, only to assume what he was going to say to satisfy herself. Admiring herself in the mirror, Elisa wonders how attractive she is in the eyes of a man. Her interlude, so to speak, with the stranger made her feel attractive, sexy even. She became exited about her new â€Å"spirit† and dressed in her nicest garments, fixed her hair and put on lipstick. With a feeling of revival, Elisa waits for her husband on the porch with a new inspiration to become more than a â€Å"woman. † Wearing her emotions on her face, Henry approaches and notices the difference in his wife, â€Å"Henry stopped short and looked at her. † Then he responded with words of affirmation â€Å"Why-Why, Elisa. You look so nice! † (198). â€Å"I mean you look different, strong and happy. † (198). Elisa clearly stated that she only felt strong and did not say she was happy. Her strength is what she relied on and her new journey on the road is what revived her soul. Elisa found that the stranger who desired her and took some part of her with him had threw her (her chrysanthemums) out on the road. She then knew that changing her life wouldn’t be so easy, yet she wouldn’t give up. She will have wine with her husband to remove the tension of her marriage and maybe pursue intimacy, which she is clearly missing, and she will maybe attend a fight as if it that will make her feel like a new woman â€Å"Do any women ever go the fights? (199). When Henry tells her that women go, she changes her mind, because she would not be the first or only woman at the fights. The wine that they’ll have at dinner will definitely help her to forget about her day and her life for the time being. Elisa feels as if she’s missed out on a real life. Being a woman in her days has been hard for her, sheltered, sexually repressed and minimal limitations as a woman has been mentally tormenting. Trying to stay strong has took a toll on her and the chrysanthemums that she raises every year, stronger and stronger, longer and longer, gives her hope for a better year just like them. The buds or years of her life have been picked off and cut down, but she has managed to grow them back strong. Elisa feels as if time is running out for her and her frustrations and profound sorrow over takes her and she can no longer hold back her tears â€Å"She turned up her coat collar so he could not see that she was crying weakly-like and old woman† (199).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Financial Plan for Small Business Research Paper

Financial Plan for Small Business - Research Paper Example The financial plan in this case is based on NASDAQ listed 1st Century Bancshares, Inc (Ticker: FCTY). The total market capitalization of the company is $66.44 million as on May 9, 2014 (Yahoo Finance, 2014). The balance sheet is the most important financial statement of any business irrespective of its size or market capitalization. It presents the financial position of the business on a given date. It is divided into three sections namely, assets, liabilities and owners’ equity. Assets and liabilities are further classified on basis of period of maturity. Assets include, cash, accounts receivables, inventory, land & buildings, goodwill, etc. Liabilities include account payables, debt capital, creditors, etc. The positive difference between total assets and total liabilities is the shareholders’ equity (Ramachandran and Kakani, 2009, pp.3-9). The historical balance sheet of business reveals that during the period 2011 to 2013, the company had very strong cash and its equivalents. However, the net cash and cash equivalents declined by 5.7 percent annually to $0.155 million in 2013. The total current assets of the company comprised of net receivables, cash and cash equivalents only. The total assets of the business increased by 15.2 percent historically from 2011 to 2013. In comparison, the current liabilities and total liabilities of the business increased by 15.8 percent historically from 2011 to 2013. The company does not intend to issue debt instruments as it has sufficient cash resources available for attaining its financial objectives. Historically, the shareholders’ equity increased by approximately 10.9 percent at compounded annual growth rate. The historical information about the financial position of the business will assist in determining the probable course of action of the business through projected fin ancial forecasts. The pro-forma balance sheet of the business is presented below: By observing the historical information about the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical Summaries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Critical Summaries - Essay Example Ariely describes how they conducted a study in Berkeley College in order to understand the reaction of college students in regard to sexual emotions. It seems that the major part of the article contains original information Ariely himself; it presents information on the experiments conducted in Berkeley College among bright students in order to facilitate the understanding of sexual arousal on decision making. However, the Ariely refers to some secondary materials that discuss issues related to the topic in the article. For instance, he quotes a book by Robert Louise Stevenson, The Fine Bogy Tale. Other secondary sources quoted in the article are Macbeth by Shakespeare and Oedipus by Sophocles (Ariely 2008). Consequently, the article goes further and provides a summary of the study results from Berkeley College, which indicated that most participants of the study have twice higher chances of engaging in odd sexual encounters when aroused. In addition, the study revealed that 25% more students would make decisions to engage in unprotected sex when aroused than when in the cold state (Ariely 2008). These results seem to have been included in the article to provide further insights into the effects of arousal on decision making. The introductory section of this article begins with a general discussion regarding the operation of the human cognitive system and how various individual systems influence its operations. It seems that it is based on a perspective of previous neurological studies that have been conducted to provide an insight into how the human cognitive system functions. In addition, it appears that Bechara, Damasio & Damasio used some secondary information from previously published materials to write the article: he refers to the works of Goldman et al. (1992), Milner and Petrides (1985), and Fuster (1990). It seems that they were interested in providing proof that the article was based on reporting a scientific study. This is indicated by

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The OJ Simpson Trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The OJ Simpson Trial - Essay Example Simpson â€Å"not guilty†. The Evidence The DNA evidence against O.J. Simpson was the most powerful evidence presented against him. The prosecution presented DNA samples on the alleged blood drops and footprints of Simpson that was positive for DNA match. The blood drops was said to be collected at Nicole Brown’s home, in Simpson’s car and his home. Another important evidence was the bloody glove found at Simpson’s home that tested positive for the DNA of Simpson and the victims Brown and Goldman. Although a surprising amount of DNA evidence was produced by the prosecution, as author John M. Butler believed â€Å"DNA evidence is not always understood and can be quite complex to explain to the general public†.1 The defense team took this complexity as an opportunity to debase prosecution’s DNA evidence and attacked on the validity of the collection and the preservation of the evidence. They argued that the evidence was mishandled and violated the â€Å"chain of custody† as provided in the Rules of Evidence. A systematic argument was created by the defense panel in invalidating the evidence, including the possible contamination of the blood drops collected, and the alleged planting of evidence by police officers on the samples found in Simpson’s car, footprints, and the bloody glove that was found in the murder scene by Detective Mark Fuhrman. The handling of the samples openly, created the â€Å"reasonable doub†t of possible contamination in the DNA testing. Although the DNA test resulted positive, the doubt of its validity gave more credibility to the jury. But perhaps, the most positive result that failed to convict Simpson of guilt beyond reasonable doubt was the presentation of the bloody glove as object evidence. The defense team demonstrated their argument by asking Simpson to fit the questioned glove. As demonstrated, the glove was small and could not fit Simpson’s athletic hands, which lead Johnnie Cochran, Simpson’s lawyer to say the infamous line â€Å"if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit†. Another prosecution weakness was the presentation of Detective Mark Fuhrman as a witness. The defense team took note of Fuhrman’s history of racism, by attacking his character based on beating up suspects and prior statements recorded using the word â€Å"nigger† repeatedly in an interview made by a screenwriter in 1986.2 The prosecution attempted to present character evidence against Simpson that was in general rule, not allowed by the Rules of Evidence. But Judge Ito accepted the character evidence presented by applying the same on the angle of a possible motive by Simpson to allegedly perform the murders. Arrest records were found indicating that Simpson was charged with domestic violence. A picture of the beaten and bruised ex-wife Brown was presented in court. But the images were not enough to convict Simpson and remove the doubt that the planted evidence has created. THE JURY The Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution provides for the right to elect a trial by jury. Unlike other judicial procedure in most part of the world that follows an inquisitorial system (where a judge makes a decision based on witnesses and evidence in an investigative form), a trial by jury is an adversarial process. Janet Coterril explained that an â€Å"adversarial trial process attempt to persuade the jury that one constructed version of reality is more plausible than the other†, giving more focus on â€Å"

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reflection paper on Nancy Andreasen's book, Brave New Brain Essay

Reflection paper on Nancy Andreasen's book, Brave New Brain - Essay Example A similar treatment has been appropriated by many experts with regards Nancy Andreasens book titled, Brave New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome in which the author contends that the mapping of the brain and the human genome, occurring seemingly at the same time, has brought forward a new and effective understanding of the biological origins of mental illness. For many, this only implies that ‘biological understanding’ would refer to evolution, setting aside the teaching of Christianity which states that God intervenes on human affairs. For others, the Christian approach of ministering to individuals with mental illness will be considered inept and ineffective as this does not mesh with the ‘scientific procedure’ of administering to people with mental disabilities. In her book, Nancy Andreasens notes that the convergent research focusing on the genome and mental illness is a fascinating development as it transformed the way we think of mental illnesses and their implications. First, with the utilization of new technology in neurology and psychiatry, experts are able to link the illnesses of the mind to biology and all illnesses have biological basis, even schizophrenia (Andreasen 4). This of course, does not conform to some Christian notions that mental illness is a result of demon possessions or is something related to superstition. Thus, Nancy Andreasen asserts that the best treatment should be one which varies from one patient to another. Clearly, the holistic approach to the treatment of mental illnesses is no longer acceptable. Some of the methods which Andreasen are ones that are based on science such as genomics and neuroimaging as she states that ‘mental illnesses are diseases of the brain that can be understood and treated using established scientific tools’ (Andreasen 7). What is considerable to note here is that Andreasen’s contentions that the brain ‘teaches itself to learn’ pose a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Sleep Disorders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sleep Disorders - Essay Example Rhythmic brain activity occurs in this stage known as â€Å"sleep spindles†, as mentioned by (Cherry, 2011). It is mentioned in (www.sleepdex.org, n.d.) that deep and significantly slow brain activity characterizes stage 3 of human sleep. Slow brain waves called delta waves are observed mixed with faster waves in this stage, while delta waves are exclusively produced in stage 4. Rapid eye movement and fast breathing occurs in REM, where the rate of brain activity equals the rate observed when a person is awake. Parasomnia is a sleep disorder in which one has severe trouble in comfortably falling asleep. In this disorder, the patients experience nightmares or sleep walking. Parasomnia can occur if one is aroused from non-REM sleep. (MedicineNet, 2011). Sleep walking most commonly occurs during stage 3 and 4, where there is slow brain activity and the patient has absolutely no idea of his/her body movement. There occur 4-5 sleep cycles throughout the night and sleep walking prim arily occurs during the first or second sleep cycle. Since there is short sleeping time involved in nap, sleep walking does not occur during the day time. Therefore, sleep walking characteristically occurs at night time during stage 3 and 4. References: Cherry, K. (2011). Stages of Sleep.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Brand Audit Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Brand Audit Report - Essay Example The origins of BMW trace back to 1913 when a Bavarian named Karl Rapp started an aircraft-engine shop in Munich called Rapp Motoren Werke. The company focused in airplane engines though Rapp reported that at the beginning stages it was quite difficult and they suffered from extreme vibration. In 1917 Rapp resigned from the industry and it was then guided by an Austrian engineer Franz-Josef Popp, who altered its name to Bayerische Motoren Werke. That same year, the chief engineer Max Friz also planned the industry’s first aircraft engine, the six-cylinder Type III, which was formed due to the strong demand for the engines of BMW. When the1919 agreement of Versailles had forbidden any German companies from making aircraft engines, BMW then switched to creating air brakes for the railway cars. In 1923 Friz developed the industry’s first motorcycle, the R32, a model that held globally as speedy proceedings for all motorcycles throughout the 1930’s. In 1928 the indust ry entered into the automobile field by obtaining Fahrzeugwerke Eisenach, a creator of small time based cars in Eisenach, Germany. â€Å"In the 1930s BMW began producing a line of larger touring cars and sports cars, introducing its highly successful model-the 328 sports car-in 1936† (Military Motorcycles, Part 2: WWII and BMW, 2012). In 1945, the Allied forces dismantled industries major factories. Moreover, BMW had finished making garden and kitchen tools and also it had introduced a novel, low-priced motorcycle to the German market in 1948. The industries returned to the automobile manufacturing in the 1950s and it resulted in low sales. In the 1960s the industry twisted its fortunes by concentrating only on the compact touring cars and sports sedans, and then it began to fight with Mercedes-Benz for the markets in the United States and Europe. â€Å"BMW's U.S. sales peaked in 1986 but then dropped steeply, partly due to competition from two new luxury cars-Lexus, made by Toyota Motor Corporation, and Infiniti, made by Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. The 1989 collapse of the Berlin Wall led to a boom in car sales in Europe, and in 1992 BMW outsold Mercedes-Benz in Europe for the first time† (BMW Car Logo History, 2009, par.5). Another company that poses a major threat to BMW through its stiff competitiveness is Billabong. BMW also faces challenges from various independent firms presenting their own performance model type cars as opposed to the models of BMW. A number of performance enhancement tools and features may be added to these cars that are basically based on those manufactured by BMW. The independent firms indentified to be involved with manufacturing performance enhanced cars include Alpina, Dinan Cars, Hamann Motorsport, Hartge and AC Schnitzer. In 1990 BMW created a business with the British aerospace firm Rolls-Royce PLC to create aircraft engines for its business jets. In the year 1992 BMW broke the ground by planting the automobile factor y in Spartanburg, South Carolina, though its initial automobile planting was done in US. In 1994 BMW obtained 80% of the shares in Rover Group, a British producer of luxury cars, small cars and Land Rover sport utility vehicles from the British Aerospace PLC. Brand attributes: Brand attributes are a group of characteristics that recognize the character, physical traits of brands, like the attributes that permit us to consistently recognize persons. At BMW, the brand attributes

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Benchmarking as an important activity in the analysis of e-Business Essay

Benchmarking as an important activity in the analysis of e-Business Web sites - Essay Example E-business has given every organization that uses it a additional advantage running their businesses. Competition to produce an online website that tells about the organization and its product has also started. In the same way selling products online through a website has also become popular, there are certain advantages attached to it but we wont go into that detail. Another important aspect of running a business online successfully is to check whether an organization's website is according to the standards of its competitors. This can be done using certain techniques like surveys, questionnaires and conducting interviews. This article explored a new technique called benchmarking. Benchmarking is basically evaluating the content of the website in terms of its usefulness and usability compared to your competitors. The importance of this method can be gauged by the fact that the two aspects that are being benchmarked namely usefulness and usability can only determine the actual return your website is giving to the organization. Claiming your website is successful by checking the number of times it has been viewed is useless, instead the benchmarking method makes a lot of sense as it is analyzing the two vital factors that originally decide whether a website is successful or not. If we go 30 years back in time there was no concept of using a computer to communicate to a co-worker or sending an email to your boss for a certain favor. Records were kept on files in a closet. If your boss needed information about last year's sale you had to tell him if he can wait for 2 days, and your boss agreed. Today if you reply to your boss in the same manner it's obvious your boss won't accept your reply, instead it might be possible that you are fired. This gets a bit harsh but this is a fact. Technology has taken great steps all these years and is looking to go even faster as the time moves on. It is important for every person to keep up with the moving technology to survive in this world, especially organizations that are running businesses internationally and on the Internet. Keeping in touch with the technology trend has become a necessity in this case as every organization looks for improving itself with the use of newer and better technology. E-business might seem e asy as to setup a website and conduct your business online, but its not the case and its not as easy as you think. As new and better technologies enter the market an organization has to make sure that it acquires it and makes the best use of it. It is important to keep abreast of technology trends when running an e-business because once a firm starts e-business it is attaching itself to the world of Internet and technology, and if an organization gets involved in this world it has to keep a track of what is going on and what is new so as to make sure it does not lag behind in any field. Q. 3. Comment on one recent technology trend, and discuss how it might affect an e-Business. As technology advances trends are being setup. For example a certain technology becomes famous as it enters the market and everyone gets attracted to it for a while. After 3 or 4 months a better technology comes into being and now people are driven towards this one. This will keep

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Coffee and Starbucks Essay Example for Free

Coffee and Starbucks Essay ?Introduction Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee company and coffee house chain headquartered in Seattle, Washingston. Starbucks was founded in 1971, when three academicians, began a specialty coffee store called Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spice in Seattle (Starbucks Corporation, 2009). In 1996, Starbucks operated its first international store expansion in Tokyo, Japan. With current approximately 19,500 stores in 58 countries (Location xcelerated, 2012), Starbucks is quickly becoming one of the best known brands and the largest specialty coffeehouse company in the world. The Market Demand of Coffee The demand of coffee in the United States has rose 2 percent in 2011(Perez, 2011). Americans drank 77. 4 billion cups of coffee during a year (Perez, 2011). A statistics showed that â€Å"the average consumption among coffee drinkers in the United States is 3. 1 cups of coffee per day† (E-Imports, 2012). With gathering the information and statistics, it has proved the demand of coffee market in the US is extremely high. Also, the coffee market is the potential market for rivals entering into. Hence, Starbucks has to attain strong competitive advantages and market demand with its resources and capabilities. Starbucks’s Resources and Capabilities An organization has the ability to identifying and determining the competitive power of their resources and capabilities to create competitive advantage. Business resources are the productive input or competitive asset that is owned or controlled by the organization (Thompson, 2012). In the case of Starbucks, the resources and capabilities are coffee bean, store ambience, employee culture, and brands and reputations. Coffee Beans Coffee beans are the natural resources of Starbucks. They are one of the most valuable resources for coffee industry. Starbucks was a purveyor of specialty coffee – it has seemed top-notch coffee beans to produce high quality of coffee. High quality of coffee beans was usually sourced directly from coffee-producing countries, for instance Kenya, Guatemala and Indonesia. Starbucks was usually acquired the coffee bean at a premium price for suppliers who suited the Starbucks’ standards, socially and environmentally responsible farming. Starbucks has committed the long term contracts with the supplier in order to protect both party with the price and quality of coffee beans. The Starbucks’s coffee beans provided a sustainable competitive advantage in the face of active competition. It is due to the high quality and premium coffee beans sourced from other country were uncommon and costly to imitate for competitors. Store Design and Ambience Starbucks was positioned as a â€Å"third place† between beyond home and work with the store design and relaxing ambience. The design of store is provided a comfort and relaxing environment for its costumer. Each detail of likes the style of fixtures, the edges of countertops and the texture of slate floors was examined to enhance the unique ambience and mood of the Starbucks store. With blended the colorful banners and artworks, the merchandise displays, the music and the aromas, Starbucks has created an attractive, consistent and stimulating environment that provided comfort of a home for customer, excellent customer service and quality products as the concept of â€Å"third place theme† (Moon Queich, 2003) cited by (Harveywallbanger, 2012). These elements made the Starbucks experience key in retaining its customers with the competitive advantage and capture new markets. The store design is valuable by providing a third place theme, a relaxing and conform atmosphere. Besides, it was rare design in United States as Starbucks is the first mover to replicate the Italian style coffee store. Competitors are difficult and costly to imitate as the Starbucks has an exclusive In-House architects and designers to ensure the right image and character for each store. Employee Culture A vital dynamic in Starbucks’s growth was the human resources, its employee. Starbucks has provided a great work environment around its employees, one of its most important resources and sources of sustainable competitive advantage (Gates et al. , 2011). Schultz believed that a plentiful employee benefits package was a key competitive advantage. Starbucks was the first company to offer all employees, even part-timer, were qualified to get healthcare benefits, participate in the Bean Stock program for stock option grants. Besides that, Starbucks has offered an extensive training program to each employee that includes a commitment to customer service experience and the knowledge of products (Balaban et al. , n. d). All employees of Starbucks were trained to have good customer experiences for retaining customers. For example, they were trained â€Å"just say yes† to customer requests. Starbucks’ approach towards employees benefited to company has maintained the turnover rate at 60-65 percent, while the other national industry turnover is about 150-400 percent a year. The plentiful employee benefit package provides a sustainable competitive advantage to Starbucks. It is added value to Starbucks because employees will have the better job performance due to the motivation and courage. It was rare as the Starbucks was the first company provided healthcare benefits and stock option plan. And also, it is costly to imitate for Starbucks’s competitors. Brand and Reputation Brand recognition and reputational are essential resources and capabilities to Starbucks’s competition advantage. According to Starbucks Strategy Fortune, â€Å"Starbucks store traffic has risen between 6 percent and 8 percent a year even in a down economy†. Starbucks reputation was growing mostly by word of mouth rather than spending on advertising. Schultz believed that opening numerous stores helped to build the brand to Starbucks by increasing awareness of the brand. On the other hand, Starbucks also strengthened its brand and reputation with Fair Trade Certified coffee and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company collaborated with CARE and Conservation International to encourage environment responsible methods of growing coffee. These activities would be created the attention and attraction of its customers on the brand of Starbucks. Due with the strength of brand and reputation, Starbucks was achieved sustainable competitive advantages in the specialty coffee segment. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model One of the powerful and widely assessment tools of an organizations industry’s competitive forces is the five forces model, created by Michael Porter. This model embraces that the competitive forces affecting industry success go beyond rivalry among competing sellers and include four coexisting sources (Thompson, 2012). The Michael Porter’s five forces are the threat of entry, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of supply and rivalry among competing sellers. I will identify the competitive environment of Starbucks in coffee industry by using Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model. 1) Industry Rivalry The industry competition among the existing firms is positioned at the center of Porter five forces model. Rivalry is gradually growing against Starbucks each year as the growing of industry. The growth of industry rivalry has increased due to introduce the new products into the market and differentiate products based on quality, service and selection (Gamble Thompson, Jr. , 2011) cited by (Brown, 2011). With this point, Starbucks has introduced a new way of having premium coffee and new product of Frappuccino, was greatly differentiated from the competitors. Starbucks also served coffee with the highest freshness standards with FlavorLock bags. Starbucks compete to against two strong orgationation in the fast food industry who have operated coffee beverages and stepped into coffee market, McDonalds and Dunkin’ Donuts. The competitive threat distributed by McDonalds to Starbucks was referring to the Consumer Reports magazine in 2008 , which rated that the McDonalds the quality of coffee is better and the price is cheaper as compared to Starbucks. The industry’s growing has slowed down while the industry competition is increasing among existing firms. In short, the force of industry rivalry formed by the competition among coffees industry is characterized very strong. 2) The Threat of New Entrance The second competitive force of Porter’s model has significant differenced in the late of 80s and the recent competitive environment of Starbucks, is no barriers to entry. According to Porter (2008), barriers of entry are low in the specialty coffee industry. The coffee houses in the United States were about 585 in 1987 and 25000 in 2007. It showed that the new entrants of specialty coffee market was increasing speedily in 20 years. Besides that, the specialty coffee market had grown from $11. 5billion (2005) to $12. 27 billion (2006) in the United States. Due to the market demand growing rapidly, it was attracted a number of fast-food retailers, such company as McDonald and Dunkin’ Donuts. In addition, the product differentiation (included coffee selection, roasting and brewing) is considered weak. With these elements, it can be established that the threat of new entrants in coffee industry is moderate. However, Starbucks has a strong competitive advantage with a well-known brand and image, the quality service and diversity products, and a strong market in the segmentation. 3) The Threat of Substitutes Another competitive force of Porter’s model is the threat of substitutes. The force of substitutes is significant decreased in the coffee market. This is because, there are only little of substitutes product, such substitute as soft drinks, energy drinks and fruit juices. The principal substitution of products has posed a slight threat to coffee industry were carbonated soft drinks which introduced by the Pepsi and Coca-Cola company. In the past few years, studies have done that coffee has increasingly obtained the preference of consumer more than carbonated soft drinks. This is probably concentrated the healthy related with carbonated soft drinks, and evidenced that coffee is a relatively healthy preference. (Harding, 2000) cited by (Larson. , 2008) Based on the information and evidence, the threat of competitive substitute products is considered to be weak for Starbucks Corporation. 4) The Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of supplier has changed in several ways through the widely growing in the coffee industry. Starbucks was purchased it premium coffee beans from the farmers that were numerous, small and unconnected during the late 1980s. In the recently years, coffee beans suppliers were joint by Fair Trade Certified coffee and acted like a large entity. Specialty coffee companies were making the coffee beans suppliers gradually important by seeking greater quality of coffee to compete the competitors in the market. The coffee beans suppliers today are more power, with increased joint and increased importance upon high quality coffee beans. Starbucks has work out with the coffee beans suppliers into continuing fixed-price commitments in order to ensure an adequate supply, which decreased the supplier bargaining power. (Larson, 2008) 5) The Bargaining Power of buyers The last element of five forces model is the bargaining power of buyers. The force of the buyer’s bargaining power is defined to the buyer’s capability to force down prices, and seek for higher-quality products and services (Porter, 1998, p. 24) cited by (Larson, 2008). The bargaining power of buyer in specialty coffee segment is considered high, since two strong competitor of Starbucks, McDonalds and Dunkin’s Donuts have offered the lower prices. However, Starbucks has introduced the several new products and high quality of coffee, highly differentiated to maintain consumers satisfied and away from competitors in the coffee market. Thus, the buyer bargaining power has offset and became moderate. The Summary of Michael Porter’s Five Factor In summary, the coffee market faces very strong forces from the industry rivals but it obtains weak forces from the threat of substitutes. Besides, the other three forces are considered as moderate. Generally, the impact of the five forces is moderate in the specialty coffee industry. Therefore, Starbucks is able to obtain the ideal revenues in the coffee market with operated effectively and efficiently. Starbucks’ Generic Strategy. There are three successful generic competitive strategies that organizations can apply to achieve their competitive strategies, included overall cost leadership, differentiation and focus, defined by Michael Porter. Overall cost leadership strategy implies an organization to apply lower overall costs to attract consumers. The differentiation generic strategy contains the creation of service and product as being valuable and unique for the industry. Focus is the last generic strategy, which aims a certain market of a product line (Porter, 1998, p. 38) cited by (Larson, 2008). However, Starbucks are suitable the broad differentiation strategy of the five generic competitive strategies nowadays. This strategy allows Starbucks to serve a broader customer base with the differentiation of product and service (Grant, 2009) cited by (Brown, 2011). This approaches to retain and attract as many consumer with the generally product mix. Starbucks had the unique skills, products and services reputation with the distribution segment of specialty coffee industry. For instance, Starbucks was developed an icy-blend of dark-roasted coffee and milk, named Frappuccino. This drink was a hit with $54 million sales in the first year on the national market. In addition, the high-quality standards and strong employee culture of Starbucks were known well in the specialty coffee industry. The high-quality coffee beans are purchased from Fair Trade Certified, considered a differentiation product to other competitors. The employees of Starbucks were also trained to have strong customer experience. In the differentiation strategies, Starbucks have strengthened the brand and reputation for quality and creative flair. Starbucks’ Strategy Options. Starbucks is able to create three strategic options for sustaining competitive advantage and further growing the business by having evaluated its forces. The three strategic options for Starbucks are that diversification, expansion and merger. 1) Diversification The diversification of a business is that introducing new products and offering new services to the industry. There are two way of diversification for business, be related or unrelated. Starbucks is suited to attempt related diversification, reflecting more association with the specialty coffee industry. Schultz believed that the company has lacked on blockbuster products, only the variations of products. Starbucks has a successful product diversification in the history with launched coffee and tea beverages, brewing and serving equipment, roasted coffee beans, music and gifts. The introduction of savory products such as cake, donut and muffin is a successful diversification as it can be combined with the existing product and core product, coffee. The diversification strategy is a good option for enhancing Starbucks’ growth and competitive advantage. 2) Expansion The expansion of an organization can be within a country and into an overseas market. Starbucks should reduce their expansion efforts in the United States and focus to expand its business into new countries to further internationalize it. The Economist stated, â€Å"While Starbucks has expanded so have its rivals. The firm’s home market seems to have reached saturation point. † With the rapid expansion, Starbucks is oversaturated in the United States. Therefore, this strategy option is suitable for Starbucks as the United States coffee market is reaching saturation point. If Starbucks has to go further growing and expanding, the international expansion is one of the best strategies for Starbucks. 3) Merger and Acquisition According to Investopedia, it defined as â€Å"a merger is an alliance of two organizations while an acquisition is the attaining of one organization by another. † The strategy of merger and acquisition sets out to accomplish the same goal, by increased broad customer base, market share and corporate strength of business. In the history, Starbucks has merged with Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream to develop super premium ice cream and acquired a premium tea company, Tazo LLC. In the case study of Starbucks, there states that there were about 25000 coffee houses in the United States in 2007. The merger and acquisition of small specialty coffee retailers will enhances the market position, market share and competitive advantage of Starbucks. This is a strategy that will exploit opportunities whilst avoiding threats to further growing and expansion of Starbucks. Recommendations The first and most important process which Starbucks should take is to diminish the efforts expansion in the United States. According to Starbucks’ strategy Fortune, a new store will often cannibalize about 30% of the sales of a nearby Starbucks. The continuing aggressive of expansion in the United States by opening as many new stores of the same area is an act to cannibalize store sales. The reason why Starbucks should diminish their expansion plan is the coffee market has reached the saturation in the US. The overcapacity of expansion plans in a location will be met with failure to an organization. On the basis of all the evaluation and evidence referred for the strategy options, the recommendation is to further expand internationally. Starbucks can convey the remained investment into international development plans by reducing the expansion plans in United States. The expansion of international market offers a supreme target with three fundamental objectives. The first reason is the lack of awareness of coffee market in many countries which represent the prospective market share. For instance, Starbucks currently opens approximately 20,000 stores with 13,000 in the US and 7000 in foreign countries. The total coffee consumption per person in the US has lowered much than many countries, such country as Finland and Italy. With gathering the information, this proves that expand internationally, there is a massive coffee drinking population and potential market share to be selected. (Starbucks Corporation, 2008) cited by (Larson, 2008). Another reason that international expansion offers an ideal prospect is that the expansion of product innovation. For example, Starbucks has announced their Tazo tea brand into the Japanese market. And, Tazo was brought into the United States market as it was a successful trial in Japan. Tazo green tea has brought a success to Starbucks as it was a national drinks and showed that the power of brand in North America. Starbucks could have to evade the risk of brand reputation as more innovative products should run a trial in international markets. Since the markets have yet visible to Starbucks for a period time, it is possible to avoid a great risk with affecting the brand reputation. Therefore, Starbucks has great competitive advantage in the markets with expand intentionally. The last reason of international expansion is to increase the brand reputation. Building brand image is key factor to an organization as the brand will affects an organization’s sales and position in the market. For example, in case of Starbucks, the company has increased revenue from $7. 8 billion in 2006 to $9. 4 in 2007, along with an increase in brand value. In order to recover the exclusivity of Starbucks brand, Schultz would focus the expansion of international countries and slow down the expansion of the United States. Therefore, the international aggressive expansion will help to strengthen its brand image and regain a strong competitive advantage for Starbucks. In a nut shell, I am highly recommended a strategy decision to Starbucks is that expanding into international markets. International countries have represented the ideal potential market shares with the high demand of specialty coffee. By applying this strategy, Starbucks will continue to be the leader in the specialty coffee industry and further regain and strengthen its competitive advantage. Furthermore, it also gains the customer satisfaction in the international markets. International expansion is the way to move forward. Reference Balaban, S. et al. (n. d) â€Å"Management 600† Starbucks Coffee Company. http://cobweb2. louisville. edu/faculty/regbruce/bruce/cases/starbucks/starbucks. htm [Accessed on 7 April 2012]. Brown, H. (2011) â€Å"External Environmental Analysis of Starbucks and the Coffee Industry† Strategic Management MGMT 4340 http://www2. uhv. edu/chapao/MGMT4340/Samples/Project%20Sample%203. pdf [Accessed on 9 April 2012] E-Imports (2012) â€Å"Coffee Statistics† Espresso Business Solutions. http://www. e-importz. com/Support/specialty_coffee. htm [Accessed on 5 April 2012]. Gates, R. et al. (2011) â€Å"Strategy Analysis MGMT 562† http://freedownload. is/pdf/strategy-analysis-mgmt-562-2925711. html [Accessed on 6 April 2012]. Harveywallbanger. (2012) â€Å"Starbucks’ Customer Retention Strategies 89† HubPages. http://harveywallbanger. hubpages. com/hub/Starbucks-Customer-Retention-Strategies [Accessed on 6 April 2012]. Heavey, J. (2012) â€Å"Starbucks a Strategic Report†Scribd. http://www. scribd. com/doc/27614539/Starbucks-a-Strategic-Report-by-James-Heavey [Accessed on 8 April 2012]. Larson, R. (2008) â€Å"Starbucks a Strategic Analysis† Past Decisions and Future Options http://coe. brown. edu/documents/StarbucksaStrategicAnalysis_R. Larson_honors_2008. pdf [Accessed on 8 April 2012]. Location Excelerated (2012) â€Å"How many Starbucks are they? † Location Excelerated. http://loxcel. com/sbux-faq. html,

Friday, September 20, 2019

What Kind Of Impact She Makes To My Life

What Kind Of Impact She Makes To My Life Introduction The person who had a significant influence in our life is a person who we consider as a role model. It means the ideal which we would like to resemble. In my life I have to say that my mother, Sumatra was such a kind of model. My mother has most definitely been the biggest influence in my life. She is the only person who always told me to be who I am and had a positive influence in my life. However, I cannot say that I would like to be a copy of my mother or that I fully accept his principles and ideals. In fact, I believe that each person is unique. Anyway, I still appreciate the basic principles. Almost all the day of a person life is an experience. There is always a time in ones life where a person significantly influenced. I admire my mother because she is the person love and care the most of me. My mother has been the sole guardian of me as long as I can remember. What turns me into the person who I am is all her action. My mum has been never thrown a harsh word or unnecessary p unishment even though I have made decisions in the spite of those decisions. She has made me enjoy my life like no other person could. WHAT KIND OF IMPACT SHE MAKE TO MY LIFE She has taught me a lot. Due to my mother I learned that there are more important values than wealth and money that people should always remain truly human, regardless, of their environment and the hardships they face in their life. She has thought me how to be kind and loving but not to allow others to take my caring and kindness for weakness. She has also though me to dream big and do everything within my power to make those dreams a reality. First of all, I would like to say that my mother was a person who did not attempt to lecture me. Instead, he just talked to me as a person who had an extensive experience in his life and, frankly speaking I do not know why, I often agreed with her, even though, at first, I attempted to argue with her. Nevertheless, I believe that my mother did not just have a gift to persuade people but she rather made people respect him with his deeds more than with words. EXPERIENCE AND PERSONALITY SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCED On looking back into my past, I can hardly remember an episode where I would criticize actions of my mother. In this respect, I recall an episode from my childhood, when I was about to quarrel with my father and I felt really angry at that moment. In fact, I was about ten years old, when I wanted to take a recorder, but my mother totally rejected this idea. I remember that he did not forbid me to take a recorder, but rather persuade me that it would not be a good idea to bring a recorder to our house. At first, I could not agree with my fathers arguments, because I did not take them seriously. Now, I understand that my desire to take a recorder was stronger than my common sense. But my mother managed to persuade me that I was not to recorder at that time. When I first told my mother that I was going to take a recorder, she just asked me to talk like him about my decision. At first, he asked me why I was so eager to have a recorder. I did my best to explain that it would great to have a recorder, but in the course of conversation I understand with the help of my mother that if I took a recorder I would take a great responsibility, which I was not ready to take at the moment. My mother explained to me that I would responsible for the recorder I was going to take and it was the first time when I thought serious about effects of the decisions I was about to take. Eventually, I understand that I could not take care of the recorder. In such way, I learned from my mother that we should be responsible for our actions because often it is the life as well of others that depend on our decisions and actions. This experience was very important for me and influenced my personality significantly. WHAT KIND OF A PERSON IS MY MOTHER My mother is a kind of person that anyone can look up to and say I would like to be like that. She could be described as a short quite round young looking lady although she is 48years old now with always very pretty. She is thin with her curly hair. She usually wears modern and traditional clothes. For me she is so beautiful. Most people describe her as an attractive lady. She is the kindhearted, caring and loving person that she has thought me to become. She is strong willed, hardworking and very dedicated to god. I know that she inspires others as well. She is a great business woman and a speaker with a passion to teach others what she feels life is truly about and I know that her meaning of life is a successful and inspirational way of life. WHAT MAKES ME ADMIRE OF MY MOTHER My mother gave me the originality of her character to study the steadiness of her virtues the power of her passions to admire, the truth of her feelings to trust, however, I know that my mother will always be by my side. In spite of this, my mother has never failed to believe that my siblings will soon recover from these setbacks. All these things she had, and for these things I clung to her. I grew up not feeling neglected but admiring my mother more and more for what she has done for my siblings, which I believe no one could have achieved. I admire her for being able to look after the wellbeing of the whole family in spite of this and never failing to be there for me whenever I needed her. Growing up with such a strong role model, I developed many of my enthusiasms. Thus, it is clear that the individual who has had the highest degree of influence on me is my mother. She never once complained about the sacrifices, which she had to make in order to help my siblings. The strength of h er principles is evident in the way in which she raised my little siblings who needs the more attention because they are younger than me. I will always respect the influence that my mother has had on my life, and will endeavor to take all that she has taught me as the inspirational to be all that I can be in the pursuit of my dreams. Particularly my passion is to become successful business women. She dedicates me and my siblings most of her time educating us. REASON WHY MY MOTHER HAS SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCE ON ME My mother is the most important person in my life. I really cannot express how I feel about her in just words. My mother is not my whole life, but she is really big part of it. My whole world does not only revolve around her, but she is the most influential person who inspires me. My mother is not just another woman. She is extraordinary. I have known her for twenty-two years. I know her very well, and had learned to love her since she gave birth to me. Relatives always tell me stories about my birth. They tell me how important I was to my mom. I was the foundation of her joy, strength, peace and love. She has thought me all I need to know to live. In my life as a twenty-two years old girl I have learned a lot from my mother. She thought me how to feel and recover it. Well, she did not only do that. She showed me how to handle these feelings of anger, fear and sadness. CONCLUSION When asked who has had the most extraordinary influence on my life, the most obvious answer would be my mother. It took me all twenty-two years to realize that it is her influence that has molded me to become what I am today. Being a business woman, she has never failed to look after us well. She I the kind of mother who always insists on spending quality family time together, the backbone of the family and the kind of person who helps other children in the neighborhood with their difficulties in their life. She has been my first teacher, my best friend and a role model for the past twenty-two years of my life. In considering my mothers position and influence as a role model. 3.0 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is a performance volunteered by an individual or an organization. This action benefits a community or institution. Usually community services are done as part of an organized scheme. The true meaning of community service is when we do something without the intentions of getting money or a reward from someone else. The main aspect of community service is volunteering. Getting the satisfaction knowing that you are able to have some sorts of effect in someones life is some benefit of participating community service activity. 3.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is important because it offers one the opportunity to give back to others and their community. It is important part of college experience and valuable. To view a local community, it is designed to expand while instilling the sense of purpose and pride regarding own interests and abilities. Community service has also become an important part of application in college. To select and separate their application and to determine which receives scholarships, admission officers use community service as a method in many colleges. 3.2 A VOLUNTEERING PROJECT THAT I WOULD DEVOTE It is not a matter for me if I could devote my time to help peoples in need. I would be more satisfied if I could help student in their education by giving knowledge in school site without any expectation of rewards and money. By this, community service represent a voluntary activity for which are not paid and it helps to match interests, talents and abilities. 3.3 DEVOTE ONE YEAR SERVICE TO SCHOOL-SITE. An excellent way of meeting the requirement for community service is volunteering and also it helps special needs of a school. I require choosing this kind of school site community service because it is committed to providing on-going support and assistance to the school. With the exception of elective courses in community service, in additionally service must not be completed as a part of regular school course in which a student receiving academic credit. 3.4 I WOULD HOPE TO ACCOMPLISH: School site community services are included by a lot of activities. I would be accomplishing some student plans, coordinated and monitors a school wide letter writing campaign in support of an issue of local importance. I will also give a help on tutoring other student in their reading skills or math for a semester. With the efforts to implement and monitor community service experiences, as a community service aide to an appropriate teacher or counselor and assistance I would be accomplishing. 3.5 VALUEABLE PART OF COLLEGE EXPERINCE With my experience I found it very meaningful to engage my spirit through serving other by giving a community service. Already many students have an experience with community service before coming to college. For my opinion, to spend time with friends while working for a valuable cause, it was required as a part of college curriculum, and others chose to do it to get more experience involving community service. With these I as a student arrive on campus seeking familiar opportunities. In this case, other students of in the college who never been done with any community service maybe interested in trying something new, or will be looking a different way to make friends. Most probably community service organization welcome new members year-round, weather a person have a prior experience or not. Some students only like to do community service individually, perhaps by tutoring children at local worship center or elementary school. Some activities like running clinics or organizing park cleanup programs often perform by athletes as a part of team membership. But community service is completed through established organizations by most of the college students. 3.5.1 INCLUDE OF ORGANIZATION IN COMMUNITY SERVICE Some community service organization includes Alpha Phi Omega, Circle K, and Habitat for Humanity, Best Buddies, Amnesty International, and Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Through local agencies student are interested in doing other types of service to do work. There is list of such agencies to get involve with community service and religious life offices which includes several opportunities. These opportunities are providing literacy programs, food banks, domestic violence shelters, public libraries, and homeless shelters. In terms of time and emotional energy, they are tremendously rewarding students for involve significant commitment rottenly. I would prefer volunteering opportunity not to represent on my campus, consider organizing a group of students and pursuing resources to help me engage in that service. I would accomplish to provide greatly enrich college experience by having a positive effect on community, and will leave with many fond memories. 3.6 BENEFITS OF STUDENTS PARTICIPATING IN COMMUNITY SERVICE Public school youths had a positive effect on the personal development in community service. Mostly showing increases in measures of personal and social responsibility, communication and sense of educational competence are engaged in quality service learning programs. Ranking responsibilities are more important value and reports a higher sense of responsibility to college than comparison groups who engage in service-learning. Most probably, students perceive themselves to be more socially competent after engaging in service-learning. Highly ranking, student who involved in service learning were more likely to treat each other kindly, help each other and care about doing their best. Also these students will more likely increase their sense of self-esteem and self-efficacy. 3.7 BENEFITS OF VOLUNTARING IN COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service benefits others in some ways although it is apparent, before creating and maintaining widespread programs. Students exactly benefited by participating in these community service activities. Research has been done greatly on this subject, resulting in evidence for many kinds of benefits. The most significant gains reported are psychological, social, and cognitive benefits experienced by students. 3.7.1 PSYCOLOGICAL BENEFITS: Sources indicate that students have shown increases in positive feelings and mental health, and decreases in depression and stress. 3.7.2 SOSIAL BENEFITS I forge bonds with each other by participating in community service project as well as other members of the community. These bonds enhance increase my social network in my interpersonal skills. Socially volunteerism can lead to increase care for others and a desire to cooperate and get involved in positive ways, even among those who had previously exhibited antisocial tendencies. Another major benefit is the feeling of social connectedness that appears to be winning in increasingly in segmented society. 3.7.3 COGNITIVE BENEFIT We learn something new every day. Volunteering definitely holds true. Old skills are developed as new ones are learned with new experiences. With past experiences, new information I integrated and ones knowledge base improve. The lesson learned from volunteering frequently support and enriches understanding of how the community is set up to function additionally. A large part of the reason for incorporating volunteering and community service into various curricular and require cognitive gains. 3.8 CRITICAL THIKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS IN COMMUNITY SERVICE To determine what needs to be done while develop mentally appropriate level of responsibilities in situation which young people learn the most. A responsibility of decision making in a task that is interesting and important to students has given the opportunities. They tend to think more deeply about the issues at hand and use their most complexes thinking skills to solve problems arise in community service. The critical thinking seeks to help faculty move beyond teaching contents and into teaching students to apply complex cognitive skills across a range of topics problems. Faculty participating in this community service will learn strategies for teaching students how to think critically and creatively to solve a problem that arise in a part of discussion in community service. They will develop activities that can be used in the classroom to develop our critical thinking. 4.0 CONCLUSION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE The major goal of community service in school site explores the comparative effects of service learning and the cognitive and affective development of college undergraduates. It is to enhance our understanding of how community service is enhanced at school site learning service. As what I know thirty percent of students participated in community service during college, and an additional forty-six percent participated in some other form of community service. The remaining 24 percent did not participate in any community service during college. The impact of community service was assessed on several dependent. These are academic outcomes, values, self-efficiency, leadership, career plans to participate in further community service in college. Freshmen are the most outcomes which were presented when a student entered the membership of community service. Subsample of student for who standardized test scores is additional outcome. For both freshmen characteristics and institutional I Multivariate control were used. In-depth case studies of community service on campus are qualitative portion of community service. To pursue a career in a service field, service participation appears to have its effects on the students decisions. The positive effect of community service can be explained. The fact that participation in community service increase the likelihood that student will discuss their experiences with each other and that students will receive emotional support from faculty.